Saturday, April 12, 2014

Two Weeks to Go!

     Only a couple of more weeks until my first year in the MSW program is over!  I cannot believe that I'm practically half way through the program.  I ended with my practicum the other week.  I was happy to end my time there.  It was a good experience but I was ready to be done.  Next year I'll be working at the Vet Center with combat vets.  I'm excited for the experience but I realize that it will probably be harder for me than this first year.  I had a few interviews for next year's practicum.  I interviewed at the prison, which would have been an amazing experience (but both Shane and my Dad were hoping it wouldn't pan out), the Vet Center, and the VA.  I never heard back from the prison but the Vet Center called me back the very next day after the interview!  I thought it was a great interview because they had a dog there!  I was able to sit there for the first half of the interview petting this sweet dog!  I think that should be a requirement for interviews ;)  The interview at the VA went well too, even though there was no dog.  They actually called me back and offered me a slot but I decided the Vet Center would be a better fit.  I struggled with the decision but after talking to some people that work at the VA, they even said I made a good decision!  The VA is so BIG, and the red tape.... I want to be able to learn and grow in this practicum.  I am worried about showing up, shadowing another therapist and then sent on my own way like I was this first year.  I feel that the Vet Center will be more intimate of a learning experience!  Plus the intern office had a window ;)
     During the summer I'll be working with my guard unit.  Our programs need work and I have an opportunity to get orders.  We are in a transition and we are bringing online a new inspection program so I'll be busy.  It will be good and the pay will be nice.  The practicum I just left offered a job and talked to me about working with them but the pay won't be nearly as much as doing orders!
     Shane and I have some big changes ahead of us!  Shane is retiring in June and around that same time we are moving downtown SLC.  I'll be close to next year's practicum and school.  We are excited.  We are close to the park where they do the big farmer's market and Shane's excited to be near Squatters :P  We have a lot of downsizing to do and get the house on the market.  Codi recently moved out, which was exciting for him but at the same time an adjustment.  


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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...