Thursday, June 11, 2015

Point of view

When I would tell people that I was moving to NC, I got a range of responses and they were usually to the extreme... either very negative heavy or positive.  To each their own, and I appreciate all points of views and concerns.  It is very possible by moving here I will have a delay in my career but it's not going to stop it.  I just heard today from a possible work connection that getting jobs with supervision here in NC is hard to do :( Well, guess I will focus my searching to USAjobs then :P  There HAS to be jobs with supervision in this state! Just saying.... so that could be my first job hurdle here but I'm not stressing... yet.

I will continue to look for jobs and enjoy my new surrounding.  I have yet to pick up the southern ear, and find myself saying "what" a lot due to them using words in different ways OR words I've never heard before :P  I did graduate high school in VA but that was eons ago and well, things change :P

The joys of country living comes with country driving.  I'm not new to the random tracker on the road that slows up traffic until you get to a spot that you can pass them.  They got some high tech looking farm equipment on the road here.  I snapped a pic but got a new phone so I'll get another one later so you'll know what I'm talking about :P

Monday I got to catch up with a friend from back in the day.  We were friends in the P.I. and we had no issues picking up where we left off :)  Good peeps!  We may be able to meet up at a beach house with her and her family this summer!  I need to find a picture of us back in the day for a comparison :D

Being a self proclaimed city girl, those that know me were concerned with this move to NC and to the country.  Although I am a city girl, I can totally appreciate the wonders of the country and being on the east coast with all of it's rich history.  I see the history everywhere, in the houses and in the "feel" of the place.  No, I'm not going to plant my roots here but I will enjoy the experience.  For example, this past Sunday Joe and I were sitting on the back porch sharing a bottle of wine while he tried out a couple of cigars from his cigar fest that weekend.  Nothing beats not being tied to electronics, sitting in the country air, sharing a good conversation, and when the sun sets watching the show that nature provides via the fireflies.  Yep, that's a great evening.
This pic is of course not of our back yard but we do have a row of tall trees behind our fence and I was amazed that the fireflies go all the way to the top of the trees!  I love the beauty of nature!  You can't capture that or buy that feeling or view!
This quote was from the natural science museum in Raleigh.  :D

We are not t.v. people.  We will watch movies, but we have no cable so we actually spend time with one another and we talk and share things with each other and listen.  It's truly amazing and I'm blessed to have this.  Just last night after Joe and I had dinner, one of his friends came by and it was porch sitting and talking.  I feel that living life is embracing one's environment and the people around it, not being sucked into technology.  It's so sad to me to see people, to see couples, glued to their phones in public :(  I don't want to be that couple and I won't be!

Tonight we're off to see Mumford & Sons in an outdoor amphitheatre :D  It's going to be awesome!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...