Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Health & Fitness

So, I didn't get to the gym on Monday :(. We all know that Monday sets the stage for your week right?!  Well, it's Tuesday and I've been going non-stop.  Woke up, had a Spark, a meal bar, and headed over to the gym.  I'm proud of myself for doing as much as I did!
When we had our "eval" the guy stated that walking on the treadmill at an incline is fine for what I want to do.  So 30 minutes, a face pace, and a decent incline!  BOOM!  I then went over to their "quick workout" area which is their weight machines.  They say if you do all of the machines you get a full body workout!  So there I went.  I was grateful that the gym wasn't busy when I got there and there were just a few people on the machines with me.  I worked my way all the way around, doing three sets of the weights.  I think I'm going to be a tad sore tomorrow.  I didn't go crazy with the weight but enough for me to be struggling by the time I was on my last rep!  I didn't time myself :(. I'll need to do that next time. The plan is at least 4 times a week, 4 days of cardio and three of those days do the weights.  I'll probably have to throw in a workout class to mix it up during the week!
Joe is currently at the gym so we are getting to it!  
I bought a crock pot the other day since Blue Apron doesn't deliver to Alaska (it's a bit of a sore spot for us).  So I planned for a few dinners for the rest of the week and all of those we will probably have left overs so that will be good to decrease the amount of times we eat out.
Did some more grocery shopping today and it was nice and empty at the store that was great!  I was in a checkout line behind a couple of older ladies, one with her checkbook, and the cashier was nice and chatty with both of them.  I get up there and she seemed to not want to be bothered with chit chat?!  I was pleasant but once I got the vibe I kept quiet and just waited.  When the bagger showed up from helping checkbook lady out to her car, the cashier was joking and chatty with him.  I dunno but it's definitely one of those things that I have talked about in my psycho-educational groups.
So often we are prisoners of our own minds and making assumptions of others.  It is easy for me to make an assumption about this lady that was directed at me: she doesn't like my reusable bags, I look too young to be shopping in the middle of the day...must be a stay at home wife, maybe I gave her a look without realizing it, she wasn't happy that I was talking to the older gentleman behind me in line...   I could easily internalize her mood and make it personal and all about me.  That's what we normally do.  Things that I tell clients all the time: don't take it personal, stop the assumptions, and if someone has an "issue" with you then they can say something if they don't then it's not important enough to waste your time/energy on it.  
I noted her change in demeanor towards me compared to other individuals, thought about some possibilities to "why" but those thoughts were fleeting and I didn't hold on to any one "story" that would impact my life.  I found the whole thing interesting and peculiar and even mentioned it to Joe but that was the extent of my energy and time given to it.  I've defiantly had days and moments when I was not able to let go of things and my whole day was ruined!  I am finally keeping my power and not giving it to others!  
All the moving boxes are GONE and we have two boxes full of give away/donations.  Next step is hanging stuff on the walls :). 
Bit by bit, more and more this is feeling like our new home!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...