Sunday, October 08, 2017

Bit by bit, or box by box

It's been a busy week for us.  We are mostly unpacked but have yet to start putting things on the wall, baby steps.  We have a least two boxes of donation/give away items.  I survived that crazy workout session and can now walk normally again.  Tomorrow I will be at the gym but I will ease into my workout!  We have Alaskan driver's licenses and Alaska license plates on our vehicles!  
We are enjoying Alaska!  It's cool, it's been around 50 degrees  give or take a few degrees up or down and now we have a good dusting of snow on our mountains.  Yep I'm claiming our mountains because if I'm sitting at our table or on the couch I can see them :)
We are truly blessed.  We have another couple that we hang out with and they have been here for some years so they know what to do and how to adapt to living here.  
I picture above is driving to their place and it was amazing how the sunlight was highlighting that snow capped mountain!  Beautiful!  Also, a few minutes later during that same drive I saw my first moose walking down a side street!  NOW it is official, I saw a moose so now I live here in Alaska!

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