Monday, February 08, 2010

Nice little book

During the first week of class I went over to the main library with a friend, he needed to pick up a book he put on hold, and I wanted to find a book on meditation. WOAH... there are a LOT of books and some are huge! Knowing I'll be doing a lot of reading cuz of my classes I didn't even look at those books and then a little book (178pgs) caught my eye, "Learning to Dance Inside" by George Fowler. This isn't a step by step book for meditation, but talks about the benefits of meditation. The book is about the "why" not the "how" :) At the end he does gives some pointers and ideas but it comes down to what works for that, no matter what everyone else says. I defiantly want to check some of his other books... he seems like an interesting person and I enjoyed his writing style.
I finished the book the other night, even among all my other required reading I would spend some time with this little book every night. And the epilogue brought tears to my eyes. The whole books was interesting, but it wasn't bringing up anything I hadn't heard before... it just reconfirmed that my thoughts and feelings about life weren't so whacked out (this books was written in 1996).
At the end it talked about keeping a spirit journal, which I'll add to my ever growing "to do" list and to keep it personal..., but I wanted to write the epilogue down so I can come back to it on a regular basis.... So folks that actually read this... well, you can ignore the end or read it, it's your call. If you want to get the whole meaning of the epilogue you'll have to read the book :D
I'm learning a lot about other religions in a number of my classes. No, I'm not taking a religion class but one class is Culture, Religion, and the Environment, and most religions are interconnected with the environment. There is respect and honor for the land and the other animals that live here. What happen to Christianity? Did we misunderstand THAT message?
Anyhoo.... I have class and of course school work to do. I could write about this stuff for awhile but.... maybe another time.

Close the eyes of your body and look out on the earth with those of your spirit. Consider carefully what you see.
Be glad and grateful that you are among those invited to witness the passing of fear. Don't tremble and prolong its life as you the hear the great growl it releases as its kingdom melts in the warmth of a glorious aurora of human consciousness. Smile and be happy deep within. Join the rain forests and atmosphere and wales as they rejoice that humankind is at last awakening to what harm it was loading upon them. In your spirit hear them singing again as they did before our arrival...and not for their own returning welfare only, but also for that of their human siblings.
All is calm and well beneath our storm.
Notice this.
Join the dance.

And learn to meditate so you can.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...