Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Touch and Go

I'm in my second week of school and I already want to pull my hair out! I thought my last semester was suppose to be fun :( my calender is filling up so fast I'm loosing free space to add stuff! And it's not like it's fun stuff I'm adding...
I am taking 5 classes. Two classes are anthropology, which I now know always includes a LOT of reading. Just between my two anthropology classes I have over 15 books which I have to read. So it's pretty much two complete books a week, on top of the rest of the reading for my "regular" classes. Again, certain amount of hours are required in field work.... so there's that. A couple of group assignments this semester (BOO HISS). In my psych class my group assignment is to do a report on....
wait for it....
... the universe has a funny sense of humor :P

on BREAK UPS! ROFLMAO :D I wonder if I can write from first hand experiences :P My other group assignment is going to be on Voodoo... have to have some fun with it :)

On top of that I've been working with my Dad on my resume writing and applying to jobs. I have to get into the mind set that I need to brag about myself. The other day, Dad put it out there a little better for me. He said "most of the people that you are applying against are your classmates..." Now, I'm not saying my classmates are dumb (they are in college too and passing as far as I know) but I have to wonder about them. Then I do have a ton of hands on work experience :D I've applied for a few jobs here and there, and I just turned in a major application package last night (fingers crossed on that one) and there is a career fair at the end of the month....

It's already been late nights and early mornings and it's just the beginning. I SO am looking forward to Spring Break.... THEN being done with school. I WILL have a job somewhere getting paid a comfortable salary to where I can go home and be at peace and not have a "to do" list that grows with every minute!

So, my post will be hit or miss for awhile.

FYI as of today I have 105 until I graduate :D

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...