Thursday, May 03, 2012

Down and Dirty Update

I can't believe my last post was the end of January!  Where has the time gone?!  Work, School, Relationships, Travel..... I've been going non-stop!  I even dropped school until this fall due to all the traveling that I have been doing.  I ended up signing for a "fun" class so I guess that's kinda weird :P  
Let's see if I can play catch up.
Work and more work.  I was still taking a college class during this time.  At the end of February I went to Vegas for a week of training.  It was geared toward incident command and search and extraction.  There were people from other guard units so that was fun networking and well.... it was Vegas :)  A majority of the folks were Army and they tend to play hard, but then they have issues staying awake in class
As usual, Gumby and Pokey enjoyed the trip
All work and no play.... It's a "sin" not to have a drink or two in Vegas ;)

On 26 Feb 2012, my grandmother Honey passed away.  She had a mild stroke and was on the road to recovery when she had a major one that put her in hospice.  It wasn't long after the hospice, which Mom and Dad did at their house on the lake that she moved on.  
Honey lived a full life, and she was a character.  I was blessed to have her as my grandmother!  In a couple of weeks I'll be meeting up with some of the family in San Diego to honor her wishes to have her ashes put into the Pacific Ocean.  I know there will be tears, but I know we will also have some laughs.  

In March I went to Missouri for a short visit to help my Mom and family go threw some of Honey's things.  It was a short visit so it was a focused visit.  Even going threw Honey's things we laughed about
things that we were finding.  There was a nice little jewelry box and when I opened it, there was a petrified lizard!  She loved all creatures.  She had A LOT of things.  I brought some stuff back that I wanted to keep.  

I flew back to Utah and turned around and flew out to Colorado for a week of training.  I would like to spend more time in Denver.  A coworker and I did a little bar hoping and the city looked neat with the stores, and theatre district.

So that brings me to April.... that was a very short update for the past few months.  This month we've had two guard drills, so that's been 2 twelve day work weeks :( ugh  But I'm managing to have a good time.
What I've been doing with work is a whole blog entry of it's own.  I'll try to do better to update this thing!

Shane and I on St Patrick's day.  We had fun downtown!  He bought himself a kilt, which he has already worn again and is looking forward to the Celtic Festival :)

Tulip Festival in April.  The weather was beautiful and it was a great day!

This is from when Shane and I first started dating...almost a year ago!!!! I can't believe that :P But anyway
we went to one of those fun zones with the miniature golf, bowling, games, etc.  We had fun, I beat him at golf and bowling heehee 

So that's the down and dirty update!  I'll be better :P  But I got things to do, as a matter of fact....laundry and dinner is calling my name!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...