Saturday, January 21, 2012

A little catch up on a rainy day

So it's been raining all day, already did some homework so I figured I'd try to update this little ol' blog of mine.

First off: resolutions for the New Year.  Looking back to my post last year I'm probably going to carry over a majority of my resolutions.
Be More Earth Friendly I can always improve on this.  I do try to more local goods than not, and I pay attention to what I am buying and where it comes from.  This is hard and it's a major commitement and it will be a resolution until I die I think :P
Stay focus on my goals My goals last year were: get my own place, start on my Masters degree, take a kick ass vacation somewhere in the world, try to be a vegetarian.  I did really good with staying focused!
I did get my own cute little apartment in Salt Lake City, I currently taking my third class toward my MPH, and I did try to be a vegetarian.  The kick ass vacation.... umm, had some work trips to Ohio and went to Missouri for Christmas.  I'm thinking those don't count :P
Goals for this year: continue with my MPH, take a kick ass vacation, and work out more often.
I so need to get in shape!

I think that's good enough for the resolutions.  We'll see how well I do with these!

Codi wasn't a big fan of getting geared up for Christmas since we were going to Missouri, but like a normal parent, Shane made him participate in decorating the tree, putting up lights, and of course taking pictures.  There was also one where he is rolling his eye, but this sarcastic smile was better! LOL
This was the tree at Shane's parents house.  We also had stockings stuffed to overflowing!  We (Shane and I) were brought coffee in bed so we'd get up so we could open presents.  I would like to note that #1 the sun wasn't even up yet and #2 the youngest "kid" was 19 years old I believe!  There was NO need to be up that early to open presents when there are no children younger than 5 in the vicinity!  Needless to say we spent all morning opening presents.  I felt very welcomed due to I had my own stocking and presents, I made out pretty well too!  After presents, Shane and I took a nap! 

We had one night that we went to a local bar so Shane's friends in the area could all meet up.  Granted, with it being the holidays it's a little difficult.  I got to meet some of his high school friends, and there was a mechanical bull there so the boys had to play.....

Overall the trip to Missouri and down to Oklahoma to visit family and friends was good.  Busy but nice to meet everyone, and also see my family (it's only about a 4 hour drive to my family down in Oklahoma from his folks house).  We returned back to Utah still liking each other after our travels, so that's a good thing too!

I really wanted to see the downtown lights for the holidays but with our schedules and traveling it wasn't looking too good.  I was happy to see the lights still up after the new year so one night we did a quick detour to walk through and see  the lights.  It was also a bonus going this late due to lack of crazy crowds!
When we were taking the above photo, a tourist (had a thick accent) said, "Oh facebook photo".  I guess this self portraits are now deemed FB Photos! hahaha

So.... that's the end of the year update that is late in coming :P

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Life is work!

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