Sunday, January 01, 2012

Quick Catch Up

I started a post a few days ago and saved it so it this post wouldn't turn out so long with updates and New Year stuff....but that didn't turn out like I planned.  

Here is what I started ;)

WOW!  I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve updated my blog!  I’ve been busy busy.  I’ve finished and passed two classes towards my master’s degree. GO ME!  Working hard with the Utah Air National guard getting our homeland security mission stood up.  
Not me but I did get to do this also


Spending available time with Shane, friends and family.  On top of all that it’s the holiday season, so my life has been on full blast lately.  My class ended on this past Saturday with a 11 page paper being due but I have a school break until 10 January :)  In a couple of days Shane, Codi, and I are flying out to Missouri to visit his family and friends, and spend a few days with my family.  It’s really convenient that our families are somewhat close together!

Trying to remember what has been going on these past couple of weeks ;)  Halloween ended up being really low key.  I think I was getting over not feeling well, got a sinus infection back in October, so we went to another haunted house and then a couple of bars and called it a night.  We didn’t dress up or anything   :( That’s o.k., it was fun seeing everyone else’s costumes.  Sometimes it’s fun to be around a bunch of happy people and just chill and watch the festivities!

November flew by.  Spent turkey day with the Brown’s.  I went down to their house the night before so I could hang out and also help prep/cook for Turkey day.  Shane and Codi came down and the Stenseth’s were over for the festivities.  We had a good time.  Played pin the hat on the turkey, and eventually ended up in the basement for karaoke and some Wii.  Codi turned 18 right after Thanksgiving so we went out to dinner with a few of his friends.  They were hilarious but then tiring, by the time we got back to the house (dinner was in SLC) Shane and I were both ready for some low key silence.  Even one of Codi’s friends who was really quiet the whole time, said they are always “on” with their comments/jokes/etc. 

Any free time on the weekends, if it isn’t spent doing homework has been spent shopping.  Not much of a gift giver during Christmas…usually just get what I want during the year and if I see something for someone else get it then…and most of the people I know usually don’t have things that they want but this year…I’ve been a gift buying fool.  We put up a little tree at Shane’s and decorated it, much to Codi’s argument of “we aren’t even going to be here for Christmas”.  But, we are going to open presents on Wednesday before we go to Missouri.  And well…good thing that little tree is up on a table cuz it’s would have been dwarf by the presents thus far!  Shane says we’ll have plenty more to open at his house along with stockings! With all this going on, going down to my parents house will be an oasis of relaxation!
Christmas in Utah

Shane’s unit had their holiday party this month and it was 20’s theme.  We had fun dressing up but the party was a wee bit of a bust.  Once all the gifts were given away, everyone took off :(  Not much dancing or drinking.  Not that I would have danced that much, my feet are a little out of practice when it comes to wearing heels!  Living in slippas (flip flops) for almost three years in Hawaii really put a crimp in my heel wearing stamina!

I'll get to a holiday/new year post here soon.  Downloaded a bunch of photos that I'll need to sort and tag.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...