Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's the month of the dead!

Busy busy busy!  I have a couple of more weeks left in my first class of my Master's program.  So far so good, but this class is the history and fundamentals of public health so it's not a whole lot of new information for me.  I've had to write 1-2 papers a week so that is always time consuming. So on top of school work, I got regular work, trying to keep my apartment somewhat clean, and keeping up with my social life.  It seems like I'm all over the place some days.  I'm pretty good about packing over night bags!
Last weekend Shane and I went to the x96's Big Ass Show at the Gallivan Center.  The weather wasn't the best but it didn't rain on us so we were all good.  They had two stages set up.  It was kinda funny to go listen to one band and then it was a mass migration to the other stage...and then back again.  As always I LOVE people watching, specially downtown.  Even if the bands were not my favs the people were great!  After the music we tried out the Beerhive Pub on main.  Great atmosphere and food!
That following Tuesday we went and saw the Foo Fighters!  I do have some of their stuff but wasn't really that much of a fan to go to the concert.  But as a good girlfriend (and lover of live music) I went out on a work night (which I'm getting too OLD for :P).  THEY WERE AWESOME!  They rocked it hard, the energy was great and they sounded awesome!  I hate going to concerts and they sound like crap or not like they do on their albums.  I would definitely go see them again.  By the time I got home and crawled into bed I had a total of 4 hours of sleep before going to work!  Thank goodness it was a short week.
This weekend we took it easy.  I had homework but we managed to squeeze in a haunted house up in Ogden, Castle of Chaos.  Ummm...this one is not that good.  I would recommend buying tickets for all 3 Castles of Chaos haunted houses, cuz for a few dollars more you get all 3.  If you just pay for just this one,'s a waste of money.  We thought there was a carnival.  Unless we totally overlooked it, there is no carnival.  There are 2 haunted house things that you can walk through.  The 3D was decent, and then they have some side shows here and there.  Carnival means RIDES.  This whole thing is set up in the old JCPenny's building on Riverdale, I guess after JCPenny's it was a Macey's or something.... I dunno.  I moved away and came back and now it's a haunted house.  So I'm hoping the other two are good.  We will see......

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...