Sunday, October 15, 2017

And so it begins....

Today is my last day of vacation/freedom since Labor Day!  I start orientation tomorrow for my new job.  As usually I'm anxious and have begun to stay more in my head thinking about everything.  I still need to figure out what to wear and pack my gym bag! Not only am I beginning a new job, the weather here has begun to shift more into the winter zone!  With morning frost and puddles being iced over.  According to my Mom, who is enjoying California currently, snow is projected for us this coming weekend!  Good thing I just bought an ice/snow scraper for my car.
As I mentioned I need to pack my gym bag.  I actually made it to the gym 4 times this past week! I bought a fitbook to write out my gym schedule and to track progress!  "They" say people are more prone to sticking with things if it's being written down and tracked.  We will see!
I also want to continue blogging like I have for whomever that finds this interesting.  It' helps me process some things and get out some of my mental rambles.

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