Sunday, October 22, 2017

Work time

Week 1 of work done.  It's a struggle for me being the "new person" at work.  I like the challenge and the new environment but it's exhausting because I tend to put really high expectations on myself.  This past week was mostly new employee orientation.  Working a federal job comes with different nuances compared to a non-fed job.  For me it wasn't all that different due to spending a majority of my work life in the military but I can see how overwhelming it can be for someone that has not worked in a federal environment.
It was a small group of new employees so that made it more comfortable and not as overwhelming since we could talk and bounce things off one another.  I have a beautiful view of the mountains from the hospital and I have my own office that I need to make cozy for my clients.  It's going to be a process but it will be nice to have that stability and personal touch when doing therapy.

One thing I have realized from my past job and now this one...not a whole lot of orientation.  You get a drive by set of basic stuff and then you're off to the races.  Coming here to Anchorage I did not realize that Alaska has the highest, or one of the highest percentages of veterans, so it seems as if the is VA has a lot more veterans working at it than other VAs.  The majority of people that I have met, coworkers, have either served or are married to a military member.  

My goals of working out didn't go too well this past week :(. I made it only two times to the gym out of my goal of 5 times.  BUT I did do a decent job at tracking my food, sticking to reasonable portions and not eating out a lot this week!  According to my food tracking I only went over my calorie intake ONE day!  That's a win for me!  I'll need to figure something out for this coming week,  more of a balance of working out at the gym and downtime at home.  I may be an ever other day gym person....

Last night we went to The Rocky Horror Picture Show!  Fun time but today I'm moving slow.... my recovery time after drinking is not as good as it use to be :(. We were all surprised that not as many people dressed up!  I expected more costumes but a majority of people were not dressed up. It was like us four and maybe another group of about 5 people!  

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...