Sunday, November 05, 2017

Busy Busy but no clients

Three weeks down at work and there has been some momentum with me getting settled.  I have my name on the door and things hung on my wall in my office which is slowly making it a tad more cozy!

My schedule has not been opened but I have been shadowing other social workers who are working the same day access and triage. This has given me a good picture of how things run, not how they are suppose to run but how it's being done currently.  It's been good to see everyone's different styles and get their input on things.  I've been keeping and gathering stuff from each of them to strengthen my ability to help clients, mainly understanding what resources are in the area.  

A good portion of my job is case management so I need to understand what is in the VA and in the community that will be helpful for them.  Overall, the VA's new employee training is the typical "baptism by fire" and no central location of information so everyone is on the same page.  Everyone is in the same book...but that's about it.  I get the vibe that everyone is there to help the veterans and there is a good vibe in the clinic so that make the other stuff more manageable!

We are still loving it here!  Joe is job hunting/finishing up his bachelor's degree.  This past week we had a lot of freezing fog but this morning we woke up to a layer of snow and it's still coming down!

Last night we saw Storm Large and she is amazing!  Awesome voice, funny as hell, and puts on a great show!  

We both bought some good hiking boots for the cold weather and Joe will be going out with a friend on Monday for a sunrise hike!  Now, don't let the sunrise portion fool you...the sunrises here at 9:42 and sets at 5:45, I think at our shortest daylight time we will have 5 hours.  I'm doing what I can to combat the SAD that can come with the dark long days.  Since I'm already prone to depression it is imperative that I'm more proactive than reactive because we all know once you are depressed the "active" goes out the window!  I have an alarm clock that mimics the rising sun light, so my body isn't jarred awake in the darkness.  I take my vitamin D supplements religiously and I bought a light box to turn on in the morning.  So far the long dark mornings haven't been bad.  I do struggle with getting home and it's dusk, my body and mind are like "it's time to wind down" and I get lazy leaving me a lot of things to do on the weekends :(
I totally fell off the wagon with the gym :( I need to just do it! We are paying for it and I don't want to just throw away money!  Plus I can tan at the gym and it's covered so I should take advantage of that also, mainly for the mental health part!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...