Saturday, November 11, 2017

Week 4 completed at work

Not good with titles and when I started down to write about this past week...I had nothing.  Maybe it was because it was a regular week.  
I'm still learning stuff at work but also a lot of down time at work :(. Still no schedule but I am getting consults for people that cannot be booked! Not good!  I thought I had a plan B but that failed and now I'm on plan C....we will see how it works with this coming week!
This past Monday manning was strained due to people calling in sick.  So I was given the opportunity to step up and see some same day clients.  It was a good learning experience and I was able to get that OJT type of training, the training that works for me once I've watched others.  I ended up seeing 3 people and I felt things went rather smoothly.  The longest part of patient care is the documentation and it's doubly long for me due to not being familiar with all of the parts of the electronic records.  I'll get it though the more I use it!
One thing I DO NOT like is typing on the computer while talking to a patient.  I'd rather face them and hand write stuff to be inputted to the note later.  It feels impersonal for me to be talking to someone and typing while they are talking especially if they are emotional.  I am unable to see their facial, physical, little nuances if I'm looking at a computer screen.  I was speaking with a veteran and he got teary eyed and I was able to comment on that and bring more information out of him.  If I was focused on typing the the computer, that moment would have been lost.
Still working on my "grove".  With that Monday of stepping up I got a chip for 59 free minutes to use when I want...leave early, long lunch etc., so that is cool!

It was a short week with Friday being a holiday so that is nice!  Thursday we checked out the local cidery and I really enjoyed being able to try different types of ciders!  

I just clarified with Joe that we've been here almost two months but it feels longer.  Since living here I have only seen 3 moose! Joe has seen more :( and he also saw a wolf on base!  The days are getting shorter daily but I've been consistent with my vitamin D supplement and using my happy light.  The gym usage..... ugh, it's ugly and I still haven't made it back.  I need to play with the days that I go.  I don't do well trying to go during the week.  I can make it during the beginning of the week but by Wednesday on my motivation and energy to go is close to nonexistent.  SO today, which is Saturday, I am going to attempt....NO I will go to the gym while Joe does some school work.  Joe is plugging along with his degree and had a driving test with UPS on Friday, which he passed, for some seasonal work.  He's been keeping himself busy with school work, job hunting, and networking.  Joe is the extrovert between the two of us and he needs more social interaction that I do but he helps me get out more.  
Last night we had food and drinks with our neighbors.  First off it's awesome to just throw my slippers on and walk over for a hang out!  We had a wonderful time munching on good food, drinks, and conversations.  Prior to going over there I was in a mood but I had some alone time, did my own thing, and by the time we came home I was doing well and today I'm feeling good (thus a good time to hit the gym right?!). 
I find that when I am able to focus on things outside of myself  my moods are not as intense and debilitating.  Being in a depressed bitchy mood for a majority of the day yesterday was switched by focusing on Joe, getting out, and then having dinner with friends.  Now if I spent yesterday focusing on my thoughts, feeding them, over thinking things, and never turning my focus outward I will place money on the table that I would still be in that mood, if not worse, today.  
Being active in our own life allows us to be in more control.  When making an active decision to think a certain way, view something, not do something.... THAT is what is in our control.  We cannot control people or things or anything in life other than our selves.  Once we harness that, life is less stressful and it is more enjoyable!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...