Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Loss of a pet

On 10 January Joe and I sent Sami on to the the Rainbow Bridge to wait for us.  Saturday I had to work and Joe texted me during the day about his concerns with her.  Sami had started to urinate without even realizing it and her depression seemed to just increase with each day.  She was still able to walk, although short distances, when we took her out but it was as if she was forcing herself for us.  Her spunk had left her and we decided it was time.
I called our vet on the way home but they were starting to close so we wouldn't be able to get there that day but they gave me another vet that could assist us. I got home and we decided to have one last night with Sami before sending her on her way.  
We had popcorn and wine that night....well we had wine and Sami had popcorn and she got tons of love and cuddles.  

Sunday morning we casually started our day and shared some boiled eggs with Sami, another of her favorites before I made the call to take her in.  We were blessed with a very nice vet who explained everything and was empathetic to our pain.  The process is peaceful and goes quickly and as hard as it was, I know it was for the best.
Afterwords we were in no hurry to get back to the apartment so we went to a local donut shop and had a treat before driving around looking at trucks.  We are adapting to her not being here, not having to rush home to take her out, or think about plans of when we leave and how long we've been gone. Tux is now getting more attention, and more exercise that he needs...Sami use to take over the red dot game and Tux was turning into a chubby kitty.  

There are always two sides to every experience, choice, situation and it's our job to gain understanding of these sides and embrace the pain and the joys.  I got a nice card from my coworkers, another from our vet, and flowers from a friend...all which touched my heart.  When we open ourselves up to people and animals we become vulnerable to truly experience life to the fullest, in all it's pain and glory. 

I am grateful that Sami was such an awesome presence in my life. She has been with me throughout breakups, severe depression, and has moved more times than some people that I know.  She was an amazing spirit.

We probably won't get another dog anytime soon due to our tendency to travel and take quick road trips.  Tux is a good traveler and low maintenance so he may become a traveling kitty ;)

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