Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Part 2 Advocare and onward to my "L"

The cleanse portion is over, now it's on to the next phase... the "max phase".  The three products that we are now taking are to "work together to provide you with sustained energy, appetite control, core nutrition and overall wellness".  I am grateful that the first day of this new phase I am off of work, so I can see how this will play out over the day.  There is more things to take, with some being required to be taken 30 minutes prior to eating.  So again....back to time management :P  

We've been doing pretty well with the clean eating, only a couple of setbacks ( I blame the weekend :P ).  Now that I'm over that blasted head cold I can incorporate working out now also.  Yesterday morning was the first day I managed to make it to the gym here at our apartment.  Nothing like working out at 5 am and then working until 6pm at night! Long day! ugh  So with this new max phase we will see how my energy and everything else goes!

As mentioned, I've been working pretty steady with long days trying to keep my had above water with figuring out how to do everything.  Rumor has it another PRN therapist has been hired and he's prior AF so that should be good.  Plus, currently all the therapist are females so the docs (who are male) are probably glad to get another male in the ranks.

My meeting with the potential supervisor went well so I have secured that and now I'm applying to get my intern license. One more step closer to my "L".  Now a hangup is getting my NGB22 which shows my military history/separation.  Apparently a retirement order doesn't work :(  So I'm making phone calls, leaving messages, and trying to get that handled.  Fun times!

One thing about living here is that there is always something to do here!  This past weekend we attended Unwined which I have described as speed wine tasting.  We tried a handful of wines and walked away with a nice one that supports military members!  Since it was at Pier Park, we walked over and had dinner at Hofbrau Beer Garden and then over to Tootsies for a couple of drinks and some people watching!  We took it easy on Saturday and then took in a Bluegrass and Folk Music Festival which was very relaxing.  It was at a park on the water.  Sunday was a lazy day, I took care of things and Joe went for a ride and then that evening we took a ride together.  We stopped at had salads at Longhorn Steakhouse and the manger, David, hooked us up with a free desert!  We couldn't be rude and it was yummy.  On the way out we talked with David some more, about the area...he gave us some local hot spot recommendations.  People are friendly and welcoming here and we are enjoying it here immensely! On Wednesday the big bike week is started so this weekend we'll probably check that out...and who knows what else. Unfortunately I'm working on Sunday :( 

My parents will be here next week so that should be interesting :P  I'll work every other day next week while they are here so they can have some free time in the area and then we'll have days to do stuff together.  I think that is why I'm working Sunday... since I have a weird schedule next week.  

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...