Monday, October 26, 2015

Rant ahead.....

I've gotten my first paycheck :)  It's official, I'm a working clinical therapist!  I seem to connect with the clients, and they seem to enjoy and "get" me when I so the psychoeducational groups.  The fact that I'm one of them on so many levels adds to my ability to relate to them.  I feel really humbled and blessed to have this opportunity to work with them.

Which brings to me to slight "rant".  Someone that I have cared for in the past has completely changed, viewing himself as a refugee from the drug war here in the U.S. and stating that he suffers from PTSD.  PTSD has become a sort of catch all at times and people easily state they have it.  Like with all diagnoses there is a criteria, people may meet one or even a couple of things required for the diagnosis but at the end of the day they will not be considered to have PTSD due to not meeting ALL criteria.  The thing that MUST occur to have PTSD is a trauma. 

From APA "Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. "

a body wound or shock produced by sudden physical injury, as from violence or accident.
the condition produced by this; traumatism.
an experience that produces psychological injury or pain.
the psychological injury so caused.

Both of the definitions leave space for a lot of gray, in fact it's subjective so it can become hard to specify what is trauma.  Something traumatic to me could not be traumatic to the next person.  It' comes down to a person's interpretation and how they respond and react to a situation.

With my experience working with military members with combat experiences and court mandated clients who have street gang backgrounds many with physical and mental abuse, I also struggle with someone saying that have PTSD because they feel confined, constricted from government policies in regards to marijuana and participating in this "drug war in the U.S.". This person has apparently fought the U.S. government and DEA and states that he is a "drug war refugee".  This person is very smart and articulate so I am surprised by his use of the word refugee in such a casual way.  When I knew him he was passionate and an advocate for the Dali Lama, his exile from his home and now this same person is using similar words to describe his own struggles calling himself homeless but then states he his living with friends....  
My heart aches for those who seem to be lost and trying to find their way, I support people that are passionate for a cause and at times going against the norms of society but to ask others to support you, to beat a drum of oppression, makes me turn a deaf ear to your struggles.  This person is a good example of white privilege.  I hope he finds his way in this life....

Rant over!

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