Sunday, August 25, 2013


I left my MSW orientation feeling completely overwhelmed, not so much for the school aspect but the internship aspect!  There is just a lot to keep in mind and focus on.  I don't foresee myself having much of a life these next two years :(

I did have a lot of opportunities to talk with others in the program.  There is a broad rang of ages in it so that's nice, and it seems as if a majority of the older students have been working in the field somewhat already.  The orientation was nice but it would have been good if it was done earlier than the Friday before the semester started.  They talked about financial stuff and the afternoon was all about our internship.  A lot of information that could have been helpful prior to even doing an interview.
I need to call my field manager tomorrow and get a schedule set up, and I have a list of questions for him and we need to go over my requirements for the year to ensure we hit all the key spots. I feel as if I'm over stressing this aspect and that it's not as intense as I'm feeling it is.  We will see huh?  My classes start on Tuesday and I already got a nice list of reading that I need to do before then.

There were student organizations that came and talked.  One of them was the Voices of Diversity which I'm totally interested in.  This year they are having talks on the human trafficking issue!  Unfortunately they are held every Tuesday night :(  Tuesday night is when I do my therapy and right now that is more important.  I'm still going to email the point of contact so I can be kept informed, maybe I'll be able to attend stuff here and there.

They also have the study abroad program!  They go to Mexico, Mongolia, and are trying to go to Ghana.  Unfortunately for me, their focus is on children (not sure about the Ghana trip yet) so I got all excited and then not so much.

In our orientation packet they had information on the U's recreation services at their gyms and stuff.   They do a ballet bare exercise class that I want to look into.  It will be a lot nicer if we were living down town, but next year :D

I'm still having issues with my vertigo :(  I'll have a good day and then a crappy day.  Yesterday was crappy.  I'm thinking the two hour massage did not help.  I had it in the morning and then came home and took a 4 hour nap, walked funny all day :(  I have a follow up on base this week so hopefully they can either confirm what is going on or clarify some stuff for me.

I'll probably be blogging more often as a break from school work ;)

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Life is work!

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