Thursday, August 22, 2013

Getting Ready... School Time

Tomorrow is orientation for my MSW.  I have most of my books, there are a couple of classes that haven't loaded anything yet.  I've tried to organize my desk so to cut down my clutter (you can't really tell though).  I don't feel ready!  I'm nervous about tomorrow, I'm nervous about my internship, I'm just nervous!
The Orientation is a full day event, with social time UGH!  I'm not good at the networking thing but looking at the schedule it seems to cover a lot of good stuff.  I also get my student ID!  Student discounts AND free public transit :D

My one week off has been busy.  I cleaned house from top to bottom.  Caught up on laundry and just tried to get everything to a good clean starting point so I just need to maintain while I'm going to school and working.  

In September we are going to Shane's niece's wedding and we need to board the furry kids:(  I checked out one place that seemed really nice, there is another place I want to check out and then I'll have a good idea where which one we want to use.  My friend offered to watch Sami during the time, so we just may need to board Tux.  It sucks either way but I don't want to leave him at home with just someone checking on him.  He needs more interaction and who wants to be alone for that long :(

I was pretty productive this week until yesterday.  On Monday when I woke up I had a strong bout of vertigo.  I thought it weird but it passed and I moved on with my day.  Yesterday the same thing but it lasted longer.  It passed and I went to my physical therapy appointment.  I was a little tired and off kilter but then I did this one back bend stretch and I thought I was going to pass out!  The vertigo came back with a vengeance.  I made it through my physical therapy session and walked home (it's right around the corner of our house).  While walking home I felt drunk, couldn't walk I called the base clinic.  They couldn't get me in but a nurse called me back later and told me to head over to a walk in urgent care clinic off base.  I went and was told I have a viral inner ear infection! WTF  I never even heard of having this issue, or anyone else.  I got some meds for the dizziness and was on my way.  I was told to take it easy and to not whip my head around in any direction.   Looking online I guess it's a somewhat normal thing.  It could last a couple of weeks or longer.  Since it's viral, they just give meds for the symptoms.  I woke up this morning with no major vertigo but can tell I'm still a little off when I'm walking.  I'm trying to be slow and deliberate with my movements, if I do turn a little fast I can tell there is an issue but it's no where as bad as it was yesterday morning.  Hopefully it won't linger for 2 weeks!  I still feel tired and fatigue so I'll be taking it easy again today.  

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...