Friday, August 16, 2013

New Chapter

So, it's been a bit since my last post.  The Tux war continued. I researched and found out that when cats are not feeling well they will sometimes lash out to include not using their litter box.  Off to the vet we go.  They give him an antibiotic shot and give me some other things that I can do.  Male cats are prone to UTIs, WHO KNEW?!  It helped for a little bit, noticed bigger pee clumps in litter box and less attacks.  Then it started up again :(  All of it, so about 2 weeks after the initial antibiotic shot we are back at the vet.  This time we go home with 2 weeks of oral antibiotics.  I was a little nervous with giving meds to a cat but Tux is pretty good and it went well.  Tux is back to "normal", a lot of stuff in his litter box, sleeping in the bed with us, drinking water, and less attacks.
I am now done with work as a full time guard member.  Yesterday was my last day!  I don't have to put my uniform back on for over a month!  That's going to feel so weird!
Most of my last week at work was in a course, The Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation.  Sounds smart huh?  Most of it was over my head but I managed to pass the test!  Not the best score but I'll take it.  On Monday my coworkers took me to a nice lunch and we had cake and some going away gifts:
My birthday was on Wednesday and we were in that course but we had cupcakes and then on Thursday a good group of us went out for lunch once the class was let out!  I'm going to miss most of them, a good group of people!  Last weekend, Marcia took me to see Saturday's Voyeur with the Salt Lake Acting Co.  It was AWESOME and SO funny!  We went on Sunday and had a little table, you can bring in your own food or drink :D  We had cheese, crackers, meat and wine!  
I've gotten very nice cards, and little gifts that mean so much.  Shane got me some flowers and the plan was to get me tickets to see Pink but he underestimated the power of Pink (most guys do) so I get to pick.  I told him I wanted to go to Lagoon and get me roller coaster fix :D  We are going to go during the week so it's not so crazy.
This weekend we got a lot going on.  Tonight we are going to a piano bar, tomorrow a bee's game (possibly Oktoberfest) and Sunday I may be meeting up with a friend for lunch and some shopping!  So it will be nice birthday weekend :D
Next week it's get ready for school and then Friday I have my orientation!  Craziness!  I just ordered some of my books, ridiculous the cost of them!
Another new thing going on is that I've started a video blog.  It's a little weird but fun at the same time.  The focus is mainly the health and fitness stuff I'm trying, with the essential oils and all.  If anyone is interested in those ramblings here is my page on youTube.  Not sure how long that will last but we will see.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...