Sunday, July 14, 2013

War! Me vs Cat

I see myself as a good animal owner.  I try my best to ensure they have a happy environment, so it pains me when the animals act out or get a tad mean.  Tux is a good cat but let's face it, he's a cat and has cat independent bipolar tendencies.
He was going through phases of attacking me and Shane.  Walking around the house he'd pounce and attack us.  I firs thought it was his irritation at me cause I wasn't stationary when it was nap time.  For those of you that have dogs, they tend to follow you from room to room and let out a heavy sigh when they lay down...only to follow you to the next room you move too within minutes.  So when I have a day at home and I'm cleaning and doing laundry I just figured it went along with that theory but he's a cat so who freakn' knows!
Second thought was that we weren't playing with him enough.  So, I bought some more toys to play with him with.  That seems to work for a wee bit.  This morning, that no longer seemed to work.  I woke up, fed the animals and played with Tux.  No major attacks ensued when I went out and about.  Shane gets up, gets attacked so Shane plays with him for awhile.  I'm thinking that has bought us some safe time to roam around the house.  WRONG!  He decided he didn't like me too much and attacked me a handful of times before I just kept him out of the room I was working out in.  The rest of the day was pretty safe.
But... there is more to this battle! Cat pee! OMG, so frustrating!  So... I knew that he went in the down stairs bedroom which is right next to the bathroom that his litter box is in.  That's irritating!  We clean his box every day so it's not an over abundance of stuff in his box.  I cleaned up the downstairs bedroom.  Deep cleaned the carpets and all, and I felt we were o.k.  I even borrow the black light from work to make sure I hit the spots more aggressively than others.  I thought we were good to go and haven't noticed him down in that room scratching or trying to cover something up.  Today, he proved me wrong!  Argh
So I'm doing laundry, coming out of the laundry room and he's over in that area acting like he's covering some stuff up.  I go over there, but no wet spot.  Alright, he's being a weirdo.  Then he proceeds to move along the wall sniffing etc., and I watch as he decides to take a piss!  I CAN SEE HIS FREAKN' LITTER BOX!  He didn't even stop when i tried to stop him.  So hello paper towels and cleaning supplies.
While cleaning up I noticed that a pile of shirts in Codi's closet no longer are white.  So I check that out... awesome, another nice little pee spot.  WTF?!  That may be from when we were gone for a week and his litter box was only cleaned out twice!
Guess what's on my agenda this week prior to me going on a work trip?!

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