Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Cusp of a New Year

I can't believe another year is almost over! A few updates because we always seem to changing something with our plans.  
Work is work.  It's been full of up and downs, just like any other job.  I do enjoy the work but I have another evaluation in a couple of months which are stressing me out if I'd have to admit it.  I was trained in July and then lately I have been having monthly mentor calls, which have been going well, but in a couple of months I will have person come and sit in on my work for two days! ack!  Had a lot of changes at work in personnel and all.  My "boss" has changed three times, I have a new coworker psychologist which I feel we have a good working relationship, and we had another social worker hired but he quit :(. They are suppose to be hiring someone else but so far no one has been hired.  So technically we are low manned so we are focusing our work on the active duty members.  So things are moving along.
On my balcony, with Fremont St behind me
Looking out towards Red Rock

Joe got a job!  A good paying job, hell he's getting more than me LOL. But it's in Albuquerque NM :(. So we are doing the separate thing for a wee bit.  Thus I moved to a small place in the Arts District which is pretty nice and Joe found himself a similar place downtown ABQ.  Even though neither one of us is happy about this new living arrangement we are focusing on the gains we will get from it.  Our bills will get paid quicker, Joe will keep his sanity, we can get our health and fitness back on track, and when we do visit with one another our time will be more intentional.  

Joe came out for Thanksgiving and we had a relaxing time catching up with each other and doing whatever came up.  One good thing about Vegas is that it NEVER sleeps and you can always find some place that is open!
Playing tourist at the Neon Museum!  

Seven Magic Mountains

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...