Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Joe and I don't do anything "normal" and it works for us.  A few weeks ago Joe gave his notice at his job.  He enjoyed the people and the concept of the job he was a fan of but he had similar issues with his work environment as do/did I.  

My work environment was having a negative effect on my mental health.  Joe was beginning to worry about me.  I was coming home in a mood, either angry/frustrated or depressed.  I was in a constant state of being tired no matter how much sleep I got.  Every morning I would have to force myself out of bed, there was even one day I didn't even shower before going into work!  My depression was strong and deep, only getting deeper the longer I struggled in that work environment.  Joe said we'd be o.k. financial for a few months if I put in my notice.  I hate not having something lined up and I also don't like not having an income but my unhappiness at work was overriding those worries.  One morning Joe sent me a picture of me from Florida, I was on a beach cruiser and smiling...he text "I remember this girl".  I cried and knew I had to quit work, the environment was not going to change any time soon.  Coworkers have shared with me their struggles that have been going on for years.  I did not have the motivation to fight the system.  So a week after Joe put in his notice, I submitted my two weeks and yesterday was my last physical day at work.

Before I put in my notice I had a telephone interview for a position on base.  It's a slight pay cut but it sounds less stressful, smaller work community, structure, and more follow through and accountability.  As usually I feel as though I bomb telephone interviews, thinking I sound like an idiot or after the call replay conversations thing "I should have said this".  I submitted my 2 week notice at the VA on Friday and on Monday I received an tentative offer email for that position! 
dog sitting Luna, dog cuddles make everything better

This process of quitting my job has been interesting for me.  It's always a hard decision even if it's for one's own sanity.  My frustrations with work were echoed by a majority of my coworkers and we were banding together to bring issues up to the managers and leaders in hopes of a change.   When I decided to quit my job, with no other employment lined up, a coworker stated "You are amazing".  
This gave me pause, it was said as she was leaving my office.  Amazing? Really? for leaving a toxic work environment that was doing me more harm than good?  I got to thinking about it and I've been commended for just doing stuff like that before.  I left a government job in Utah and moved to Hawaii.  I had a safety neat but no real job.  I just moved.  After graduating with my MSW I went against what "made sense" and followed my gut, things have been working out wonderfully.  When I went off to India and volunteered for 2 weeks, I had no job and shouldn't have spent the money but I went and had a profound experience and things worked out.  I am blessed!  I have been in positions where people have been helpful and have provided some security and safety but at times I just go and do.  That is what I did with this recent situation.  I have been at the VA for 7 months and gave my 2 weeks.  People were surprised at how sudden I was leaving but NOT surprised as to the why.

Joe and I both have our history of jobs that suck your soul.  We are making it a priority to enjoy life, even if that means taking a pay cut at times.  We are o.k. with that.  We don't have to make X amount of money, we just need to pay off our debt and then move on to our next big thing.  

Although leaving the VA was best for me, it's always hard to say good bye and stop therapy with Veterans.  I did my best to inform them of my leaving, ensuring I personally talked with each one either by phone or in person.  One of them gifted me with this painting.  I'm always in awe when a client takes the time to do something to give to me.

gift hand painted from a client
So here we are, both unemployed.  I'm working towards a start date...the DOD hiring process is never quick.  We have time off to focus on down sizing, selling things, and enjoy more of what is in our back yard!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...