Friday, April 07, 2017

Mini Miami Vaca

We had to check out Miami since we are living in Florida currently.  The day prior we went to a local brew fest in town and I got too much sun on that day.  Not the best way to start a sunny vacation but whatever it was time to put adult stuff on the back burner and enjoy some time with no responsibility!
Tux was boarded and off we drove, down to Miami.  We got there early evening, unloaded, did a quick walk around the neighborhood before having dinner at our hotel restaurant.  Walking around we saw million dollar yachts!  Goodness....those things are crazy! There is crazy money down in Miami!
The next day we got up and decided to check out Wynwood Art District.  Joe figured we could walk it, we both enjoy walking and enjoying the area that way, figured we'd stop at some coffee shop along the way and again for lunch...... 5.7 miles later we were exhausted and hot.  Our walking "tour" did not take us by any coffee shops for a light breakfast but neighborhood after neighborhood!  We final came across this awesome deli, The Daily.  The food was delish, but we were also starving by this point.  Our legs were turning into jello but we were almost to our destination.  When we got to the main area of the art district we saw a sign for the best mojitos, we had to stop and they were good!
We hit the road again and saw some great street art and it was everywhere! We also ducked into some air conditioned art galleries :P

Before we got to our destination....during the almost 6 mile walk, we discussed our travel back and we were thinking about renting some city bikes and just biking back.  By the time we walked through the art district that idea was long gone and we jumped in a taxi and headed back to the hotel.  We took the rest of that evening very slow and low key, checked out the pool, took in a nap, and had dinner at the hotel restaurant again and it was an early night.
Next day the goal was Lil Havana and just a little walking!  We drove to Versailles, a Cuban restaurant that has been around since 1971.  They have a bakery, walk up windows to get your coffee and baked goods, and a sit down restaurant.  Walking to the restaurant there were groups of men hanging outside getting their coffee and talking about whatever they felt like discussing.  One thing we noticed is that people assume Joe and I speak Spanish :P  Our waiter was helpful and we got some empanadas, croquettes, coffee with milk (which is really hot sweet cream with coffee on the side to pour in), and then a guava pastry!  All of it was delish! 
We then did a lot of driving about in the search of the domino park.  We found it along with some amazing Cuban coffee, and a couple of cigars for Joe!

After that we went to a Spanish monastery that originated in Spain and was dismantled and moved to the United States.
We then headed to south beach, a lot of tourist, and walked the main road where the art deco hotels were.  It was pretty (and hot) and very busy with all of the people.  We stopped and had some drinks before heading back to the hotel.  We walked to a different hotel for a bite to eat before having wine and cigars on our rooftop!  

Our last full day we checked out a local beach, rented an umbrella and some chairs and checked out the beach scene.  The water was a bit choppy with the wind but was a comfortable temperature.  After the beach we found an awesome burger joint that hit the spot, Araxi Burger!  One of the best things we found while in Miami!
There was a lot of walking and a lot of sun this trip!  We are glad we marked off Miami off our "list" of places to visit and it was a good time.  Miami is expensive, seeing a Maserati, a Lamborghini, and other high priced cars is a hourly siting in that area.  We don't foresee us biting at the bit to go back and hang out, maybe a stop over on our way to the Keys but that may be it for our Miami adventures.
Being back home I'm in recovery mode!  A lot of walking, a lot of sun, and a lot of people drains me!  Tux is happy to be back home, after a few days of boarding he was ready to be free!

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