Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Next adventure bound

A lot has happened since I last wrote...more traveling that I wrote about (I need to get better at this).
The 3rd September was our last full day in Panama City Beach, FL.  It has been our home for the past two years but we are ready to go and an opportunity presented itself!
We are on the road to Anchorage Alaska!  I got a job at the VA Hospital there and Joe will find a job once we get there, he is still on terminal leave so he's getting paid to move!  We are going to take about 3-4 weeks to get there.

We have been staying with friends and in AirBnB's which have been amazing.  We got one in Panama City Beach that was two blocks away from the beach!  It was chill and relaxing, a good way to leave the area before Irma made her presence known.

Our first stop after leaving Florida was Wynne AR where Joe's family is.  It's the farmland of Arkansas, similar to where my grandparents are.  We spent a full day there and two nights.  It was a good visit, and even Joe was surprised how well everything went.  His family is lively and some are chatty, there is always some drama and we were caught up on that!  One thing that we laughed about was the day to day living and how it goes when visiting family in the country.  We drive a lot, because nothing is near anything, sit, eat, visit, drive some more, sit, visit, eat, and repeat!

After AR we were off to Amarillo TX.  We again lucked out with an AMAZING AirBnb!  We got there early enough to do some touristy stuff and checked out Cadillac Ranch before having wine and Joe a cigar at our little cottage!  We also found a local eatery that was great!  We do very well at avoiding chain places as much as possible!

With all our sitting and eating I'm going to need to start a hard core exercise routine once we get settled in Alaska!
After Amarillio we were off to the Denver CO area.  
On the way to Denver we stopped at a random deli in Pueblo CO.  It was a legit Italian deli, Gagliano's Italian Market and Deli, it has been a family business since 1921!  We got a couple of amazing sandwiches, found a little lake, put Tux in his carrier and had a leisure lunch by the water!
Once we got to Denver we stayed with a friend of mine from my time in the Utah Guard.  They opened up their basement to Joe, Tux, and I.  We had some awesome dinners in the local area.  It was here that I realized I was not use to the dry weather like I was once before.  It's taking me some time getting use to the dry air.  
One of the reason for staying in Colorado for a couple of days was to check out the 4 Wheel Campers who had a dealer in the area.  We went and checked them out but we both didn't have a love connection.  We are the beginning parts of our research of them but it was good to get eyes on and physically get in one instead of just looking at them online.  
I had applied for jobs in that area of Colorado and Joe mentioned that he was glad that I didn't get that job, which I agreed with.  We like the area but maybe not the best fit for us, living wise.  
The next stop is Salt Lake City, UT.  The first few nights we had another AirBnB before moving in with my Aunt for the rest of the week.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...