Sunday, March 26, 2017

Lips and More....

If you have been randomly following my blog with it's random focuses here and there you will remember that I am a DoTerra representative.  I'm not actively selling it, but can if someone is interested.  I signed up mainly for the discount when I buy their products.  I am a fan of the essential oils and their benefit along with some of their other products but this post isn't about DoTerra.  I recently became a Senegence distributor, for the same reason I signed up with DoTerra.

I had heard of Lipsense from some other folks and I had a friend who was using it.  I was interested but didn't pursue it, and then I was invited to a FB party.  I asked my friend who was using it what she thought and she said it does live up to what they say in regards to it's staying power.  I'm not sure if you all are aware but I see myself as a lazy female.  If a lot of maintenance is involved I probably won't stick with it.  Going from military uniforms and low key makeup to the professional civilian realm I've noticed that my work makeup does not make it through my work day and that is not good in my opinion.  Additionally I hate having to reapply all the time and losing my color on coffee cups or when eating.

So I ordered two shades (bella and currant), and two of the glosses (glossy and matte).
I am a fan!  I do not have to reapply the color at all during the day just the gloss and I have no problem doing that quickly when I'm in the midst of my work day!  And as you can see below, no transfer of color onto anything!

The color isn't the best with these pictures especially the second one :P  But after 12 hours, a few meals, who knows how much water, and tons of talking the color stayed true.  No gloss in the second photo, I was done with my day and just wanted to relax, wash my face, and be done so I just did a quick photo.  
Now Senegence does more the LipSense, but it seems that is what they are most known for as of right now.  Me, being me, has to try the other things they offer so I'll write random updates on those products.  I have order some of their EyeSense, which like their lip color, is suppose to be long lasting and waterproof.  I'll be giving that a try also :)  

Hope you enjoy my trials and errors in life and with products LOL

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...