Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Zombie skin, MSW Groove, City Living

So, yesterday I went to another derm doc in regards to the zombie skin.  I was given a patch test to determine what is causing my contact dermatitis.  Below is what it consist of:

That's not my personal back, but that is what it looks like.  I get to leave that loveliness on until Wednesday.  Needless to say, there is no showering or working out this week.  Ugh...  I have taking baby wipe baths, and utilizing some great deodorizing powder form Lush!  Great stuff!  Hopefully tomorrow I will have an idea of what is causing the zombie skin!  I've also been asked to soak my hands in vinegar once a day.  Fun week ahead!

I started my second year of my MSW program at the end of August and I just NOW feel like I have some sort of groove.  I don't feel like I have a handle on things, just a groove.  My practicum is going well, received my first client yesterday!  I've been helping here and there around the office, making power point presentations and flyers for outreach things.  Although I've been helping here and there I also squeeze in some school work time into my 20 hour/week requirement.  It breaks up some of the monotony that can happen.  I'm enjoying this work :)  I'm looking forward to getting paid for it!

So walking Sami this morning I had a thought.  I try to pay attention to Sami when we are walking, prior to moving to the city my biggest concern was her random determination to eat another's dog poop.  Now I have to be aware of random food being left around.  This morning there was a trail of McD's food.  There was a partially eaten cheeseburger, a drink cup, a empty bag, a pile of diarrhea with some napkins over it.  I thought it was a nice show of events when eating fast food :P  So, just another interesting thing to be aware of while living in the city!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...