Friday, September 12, 2014

Missing F'Book? Not so much....Zombie Skin ewww

I made it through 1 day and I sort of kept it to 30 min.  Not having F'Book on my phone is noticeable but at the same time it wasn't too bad.  Whenever there is down time at school, that seems to be everyone's first go to so it was different not to do that also.
Now the big struggle is at home when I'm suppose to be doing school work.  F'Book is great for procrastinating! But it's pointless procrastinating!  There are things to be hung up on walls still!  It will be a good attachment to break.

The other day we took Sami and Tux to the vet for just a routine check up. I wanted to establish care with the new vet before something came up and it was an issue.  Sami needs to get some dental work done.  She has a pretty good crack in one of her back important teeth so I need to get her in to get that done.  That's about $600!  I am telling myself if I don't get it done then when it becomes infected (which is a matter of time) then it will cost way more than $600.  Tux was good except he's overweight.  I do not want fat pets! It's just so unhealthy for them.  So, he needs to loose about 5 lbs.  We need to give him more exercise time too.

It's starting to get cooler here.  Taking Sami out in the  mornings is going to require more prep than just throwing on a t-shirt and scrub pants.  I'm not ready for winter but then I never am.

Yesterday before my classes I went to a presentation a fellow student gave on blindness.  It was interesting.  Just like a majority of disabilities it's not one or the other but there is a spectrum of blindness and depending on how/why you are blind will determine what/how you see.  This classmate is also hearing impaired.  He has the cutest lab assistance dog.  Sometimes in class the dog will start dreaming and will bark a little.  Too cute!

Classes were good.  Social Justice and Diversity.  We went from Citizens United and what that means to talk about Ferguson.  A very mentally stimulating day at school :)  Those are the days I like!  Politics and law has always gone over my head but I have 2 classes that focus on those things.  Today I have Social Work and the Law and it's taught by a very interesting Judge.  She spent a lot of time working in Juvenile Court and she has good stories that pertain to what we are learning about.

This week I'm getting back into working out.  Doing the PiYo thing.  Talk about an arm workout!  I should have the best guns ever after doing PiYo!  Some of the moves are hard and I can't really do them but over time I expect that to be different :D

In my quest to be healthy I got into the essential oils.  I enjoy them but I've had to take a "break" from them.  Since May I've had this eczema type skin issue on my hands and it comes and goes.  It flares up more than not.  The dermatologist told me to stop everything.  Ummm yeah THAT's doable.  I'm getting a skin test done in a couple of weeks. What it is, is tiny fluid filled bumps that eventually merge together to make bigger fluid filled areas on my hands.  Oh and it's the palm of my hands, which makes it oh so fun!  These blisters will dry up causing hard itchy skin on my hands which crack and sometimes get infected.  It's been fun!  The derm doc mentioned dyshidrosis and she hasn't seen it as bad as what I've had (she took pictures).  When I mention the essential oils she was like stop everything!  I'm stopped my vitamins (which I am slowly starting) due to me stopping everything and a month and a half later I'm still having issues.  Here is one of the outbreaks.  Currently it's on the palm of both hands but this will give you an idea....
During the first flare ups I did try EOs to see if it would help.  The itching was decreased but it didn't go away.  Went to the doc, was given a steroid cream... didn't work.  Went to another doc and was given and anti fungal/steroid cream and oral steroids.  Went away :D  then came back.  Back to the doc, given more steroid cream and a referral to a derm  doc.  Went through the same gambit of treatment.  Reading about dyshidrosis, yes oral steroids clear it up but it will just come back once the steroids are out of your system, and that is what was going on.  It's been fun.  Looking forward to the skin test to hopefully get some answers!  I'm slowly introducing things that I stopped.  Nothing that I stopped seemed to make a difference with my skin.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...