Wednesday, September 10, 2014


In one of my classes I'm learning ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy).  I have to practice mindfulness for 10 minutes and keep a gratitude journal for the semester.  Today doing my 10 min with Headspace I got to thinking... which comes and goes with the meditation.  I waste a lot of mindless energy on Facebook :(
So... I'm going to limit the time that I spend on there daily and then cut down the days that I log into Facebook.  I have a friend that took it off of her phone, so that's a good place to start.
Do you realize how out of tune we are with our surroundings?!  We have some time to wait and what do we do? Facebook!  We took a picture while spending time with friends/family and what do we do right after taking the picture?  Head down, nose in our phone so we can share with everyone our picture and we are no longer engaged with our friends/family :(
Facebook is coming off of my phone today!
I limit myself to 30 minutes a day on Facebook.  I can spread that out in increments or do an all out 30 minute binge.
Wish me luck!
It's time I am more of an active participant in MY life and not so much a bystander in my and other's lives!

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