Thursday, May 01, 2014

New Challenges

My week of being off of school and work is coming to an end.  I'm trying to get stuff done this week but at the same time enjoying some much needed down time.  I've been cleaning and did a little shopping for me :)  I'm not a big shopper so that can be stressful and frustrating but I bought some cute little things so that was nice.
Yesterday I went down to my next year's practicum sight.  Since it's a nonprofit and sort of with the VA there is a lot of paperwork, security clearance, special CAC card, to mention a few things.  I've been emailing with my new supervisor trying to get this stuff started prior to me going back to work so there isn't a delay when I want to start work in August.  Plus, I'll be doing a work study so I'll be getting a little bit of money (minimum wage little).  After a lot of back and forth we got a time and day settled upon and I went down to town yesterday.
Most of the time was BSing, and from what I can tell social workers are talkers.  I am going to school to talk story! ha ha ha  I am all for talking story but there are times when it's not feasible and at times it's hard for me to enjoy the talk.  Yesterday I had a headache all day, so it was hard for me to be engaged with the story talking.  Plus, the topic was politics.  These two, the current intern was there, were knowledgeable with the politics.  I'm not a big political person.  It is interesting to me, but I do not feel that I know all that I need to know to be a part of a conversation on politics.  I did learn a little something about my supervisor: he's in the Army guard or reserves, and he's done an LDS mission.  The other intern also has some history in the Army, couldn't tell if she was still in and I didn't feel the need to ask during the time I was there.  While I was there, and I was there for about 2 hours, I didn't see one client come in.  So, I'm going assume a lot of their clients come in later in the day (after normal work hours).  My last practicum was like that and it makes sense.  There was an older Army vet that volunteers there at the front desk.  I liked him, he was an helicopter pilot :), I would have enjoyed talking story with him for those 2 hours!  Anyhoo... I did not fill out any paperwork there!  Supervisor asked me a few questions, filled out a form, and emailed it off to whomever.  I was then given a name at the HR department at the VA that I needed to get into contact with.  I was heading to the VA anyway to apply for Voc Rehab so not a big deal.  But, while sitting there I was informed and told about how the HR dpt isn't the most helpful with the Vet Center, that I'm really going to have to nag them to ensure I get my stuff taken care of.  So with that impression off to the VA I go.
I check in at the front, tell the lady whom I'm there to see and she makes a phone call.  She'll be right up, this was about noon.  Ten minutest later the lady calls again and there is no answer so she "assumes" she's coming up to get me.  Another 10 minutes go by I ask if it's better if I just make an appointment.  She calls again and sends me back.  Apparently, this other lady thought I was coming back....
Anyhoo... the lady that I worked with was nice, helpful, and informative.  My time there wasn't too long and I left feeling like it was productive!  I thanked her for seeing me, since I was just a walk in, and off to the other VA area that was also quick and  productive.

Going from a military get things done mind frame a social worker mind frame can be a challenge.  Switching from talk talk talk to let's get down to work and handle this situation makes my head spin, especially when it happens like it did yesterday!  On Saturday it's back to boots and uniform.  I'll be working with my unit over the summer to help out.  I need to switch my view point, my attitude, and my mind frame.

Another thing that came up during talk story time was essential oils!  What the hell?  I guess I shouldn't be surprised due to Utah have two of the major EO sellers.  My supervisor's wife uses doTerra for some issues she has and he was talking about the overwhelming smell at night when she uses it (and how expensive it is).  The other intern talked about how people just dump them on when they just need a drop to do the trick (which is true).  I didn't say anything about my usage of doTerra.  Not that I was embarrassed but the vibe wasn't an open one.
I have noticed an improvement in my own well being in regards my usage of essential oils.  They have helped my well being mentally and physically.  If people become curious about who I am and how I maintain my health I will tell them about the oils but I don't jump in with "there is an oil for that" if someone starts to complain about something.  I do find it interesting that people are quick to "trust" an over the counter medication with all it's side effects but questions the benefits of essential oils that have been used since the beginning of time and are more natural than all the drugs that people are putting into their bodies!  We put a lot of faith into the white lab coats, and there are times where they need to help out but initially why not try a more natural remedy to aches, pains, illness, mental health, etc.?  If the oils don't work out, see that doctor!  It's been working for me, and since I've been using the oils, I haven't gone to the local pharmacy or to the doctor when I've gotten ill.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...