Sunday, May 19, 2013

Moving Right Along

This past Friday I had an interview with my practicum coordinator so I can see where I'll be working this first semester.  We sat down and talked for about 20 minutes or so.  She even commented that I came prepared!  Is that NOT the norm?!  Anyhoo.... I had to give her a list of 5 places that I'd like to work at and after talking with her I just changed 2 of them, so I thought that was good picking on my part!  At the end of June I'll get an email stating what place she got for me, I call them and set up an interview to see how it will work out for me!  Shane had Friday off and we planned to go to the museum to see a special exhibit on Mummies! It was cool!  While I was in my interview, he checked out the bookstore and got me some Ute swag :D
I'm looking forward, yet nervous, to start into school again.  It's amazing how quickly it will be here!  Some days at work I'm thinking it's just a matter of months and I'll be done here and back to being a traditional guardsman!  I can't wait :D

My workouts have gotten cut back because of my acupuncture appointments.  Last week I started getting up even earlier so I could do more than my 30 min on the treadmill.  I did it a few mornings but it's hard.  In the morning I was o.k., but by the afternoon I was dragging ass!  I'll try it again this upcoming week and see how it goes.  

My acupuncture is going well.  It's amazing how one's body reacts to things.  If I show up stressed and irritated I feel EVER needle going in.  But if I'm relaxed, had a good day, and not feeling stressed... smooth as butta!  I'm also still liking my EOs.  Shane has even tried the lavender at night.  I asked him about it once and didn't push it but I know he's used again since then so it may be helping him out too!  I've had a couple of girls at work buy some and one of them has seen an improvement in her condition due to the EOs!  The other one just ordered the starter kit, it comes with 3 of the main oils and there is 101 uses for them.  I think it's a good deal.  

I haven't done much with the TBB coach thing, my main thing was the discounts :P  I have no problem talking about what has helped me and what I enjoy about the Shakeology stuff, but I'm not a sales person.  It seems to me that a majority of the coaches on the site either don't do much but workout and work or they don't have a regular job.  I want to enjoy my life and yes, exercising is a part of that which allows me to enjoy life but I also want to do other things and not rotate my life around working out.  I think today I'll start a hybrid workout of the Shakeology work outs and HHAs.  If I do it in the mornings before I leave for work, I keep it to the 30 min workouts any more than that I'm getting up way too early!  With doing a 30 min workout in the morning that has me getting up around 330! ugh

Work is work and it's going to get crazy.  We have a big exercise in July that we are going to start gearing up for, we already started so that will be fun :P  My motivation at work is hard to maintain and I've been getting "short" with coworkers.  I'm tired of some things at work, it IS time for me to move on to something else.   In the past month I've heard from 2 different people that they see me as being Chief!  Really?!  Isn't that some crazy stuff?  It makes me feel good to know that people see what I'm doing and that I am doing my best to care for my peeps.  We will see how things progress but crazier things have happend!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...