Friday, May 10, 2013

Health and Fitness

       I'm working at overall improving myself, and doing it in a safe, natural, healthy way.  I'm exercising, I'm trying to watch what I eat, I'm seeing an acupuncturist, I've been seen a chiropractor for a few years now, and yesterday I saw a Dr. that "offers specialized treatments for allergies, detoxification, nutritional deficiencies and emotional release."  I'll talk about each of these separately but I do feel that my life has come together and all things happen for a reason and each of these things are working together for me to be healthy and happy :)
       I've been getting regular adjustments on a regular basis for a few years now and if I don't go I can tell the difference.  My back gets tighter, and I start getting out of alignment.  I will do what I can NOT to miss a month.  I've since added at a minimum monthly massages.  I finally found a therapist that works on what I need focused on, with good pressure, talks with me about what I can to help things on my own and I respect that.  Up until him, the therapist would call me back, ask what I wanted, and that was about it.  This guy sits downs prior, checks to see what is going on, what the focus is going to be, and sees what I've been doing at home to help out.  KUDOS to him for taking the time and knowing his clients :D
      Now, on to the exercising.  I have a motivation problem.  I usually will start something and then low and behold something gets in the way and I stop working out.  I know a lot of people that are doing Team Beach Body (TBB) work out programs,  your P90x and Insanity type programs.  I also have a friend that is a coach.  I decided to check it out.  First off I looked into meal replacements.  Most things out there are focused on the protein and muscle building.  I wanted nutrition!  I get up early and have to be at work at 0600, and well I need something in the morning besides coffee.  I looked around and TBB has their Shakeology so I checked that out and decided to try that and at the same time ordered the Shakeology workouts.  This was the first week of March.  I enjoy Shakeology.  It gives me energy for the day, I seem more focused, and it's full fills my nutritional needs!  I'm been drinking Shakeology since I started for my breakfast and it's been a good decision.  I started off with the Shakeology workouts and they are good, there is a 30 min and a 60 min workout.  It is a whole body work out and it's a good way to ease into regularly working out.  During this time I signed up for the free club at TBB so I could log my workouts and utilize all the stuff they had for free on the site.  If you want a good overall "what can the site do for me" you can check out this video.  It really helped me stay accountable by seeing my workouts. Once I became a member and utilized the site, I was emailed by other members.  Now some people where fishing for clients that they can be their coach for (yes you can make money as a coach) and I was interactive with people and checked out peoples groups on FB but I really lucked out and joined a really good motivational group and good coach.  It has really helped me stay motivated and on the right path.  Soon after signing up Hip Hop Abs was on sale and I get bored easily with workouts (lack of motivation) and I knew from my club days that after a night of dancing I would feel it in my abs so I ordered it and today finished the program.  Tomorrow I take my "after" measurements so we will see how that went ;)  The TBB website, Shakeology, and their numerous different types of workouts that you can order has been good for me and I've been sticking with it!
      Now about a month ago I went to a woman's expo and I was introduced to the acupuncturist I am now seeing, along with the other Dr., and I got into essential oils.  The essential oils thing is intriguing to me and I'm trying things out.  I've been using the lavender like crazy (helps with relaxing) along with lemon and peppermint!  If you want to know more about that aspect of my over all health and fitness you can go here.  
      The next two aspects are more of eastern type health care and some people have a hard time "believing they do any good" and some even label such care with terms like "whack job, witch doctor".  So if you feel that way.... go ahead and stop reading :P
     Seeing my acupuncturist I was told I was "cold" internally and to avoid cold foods.  Chinese medicine label foods as hot or cold and it has nothing to do with their temperature.  Based on an exam, we have decided to go forth with regular treatments to get my body back to a normal flow, and working like it should.  This week I started taking a concoction of herbs to assist with my problems.  I joke that I'm making my dirt drink, but it's  not totally horrible.  I can get it down o.k., but I was taking a lot of it.  To the point that, in being in-tune with my body I didn't feel as if I need to take that much and I kinda only took half of what she had prescribed.  I know, she's the provider but I also feel that one needs to really take the time and listen to their bodies and what is good for it.  I have noticed some positive changes when I took half of what was prescribed the first day (I got them later in the afternoon so I couldn't do 2 doses), the next day I did the two doses and wasn't feeling to hot, the next day did the 1 dose and was back to good.  It's not rocket science really :P  So I'm getting my Chi in line, and make sure my liver and spleen are happy.

     Yesterday I saw Dr.B.  I wasn't feeling this appointment.  I already started with the acupuncturist, my friend just saw the doc and left with over $100 in supplements, and I really don't have the cash flow to add more to my health and fitness plan.  To add to the "not feeling it" I didn't see the Dr. till about 25 min after my schedule appointment, ugh :(  I told him right off the bat I was seeing an acupuncturist and didn't want any conflicting treatments.  His stuff compliments that treatment and he's also trained in Chinese medicine.  So I had an exam, and it's hard to explain via a blog but by the end I was sold.  Dr. B also said it's not his goal to have me come in weekly for months before I'm where I need to be, he wants to attack the problems/issues in the level of importance and told me what type of appointment to schedule but not say when I had to come back, that was up to me.  I had taken my Chinese herbs with me and because of that, he did not have to give me more supplements.  I just walked out with 3 different things and their focus is to help me sleep, my depression, and keeping my overall energy up.  Everything else is being covered by my Chinese herbs (so that right there is commendable).  Also in my exam he determined that the prescribed dose of the herbs was too much and gave me a different recommendation, pretty much what I already felt was needed so that was encouraging.

If you live in the SLC Utah area I will be happy to recommend who I am seeing, if you'd want.

I feel that I'm on the right path right now!  I'm feeling good and moving forward :) 

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...