Friday, April 26, 2013

Keep Movin' On

It's been an interesting month.  It's been an BUSY month!  First off the good news.....
I've officially been admitted for the graduate study at U of U!  I start Fall 2013 :D
My boss knows, and that's always a stressful conversation and it will be hard leaving but it's time for my next chapter of my life!  I am really happy that I got accepted, but at the same time nervous for the work and the classes.

The next big thing that happened this weekend is that we took a weekend trip through the base to Blue John Canyon.  We took off on Friday, had an practice rappel once we set up camp and then bright and early on Saturday we had a 10.5 mi hike (to the slot canyon and back).  The slot canyon that we went to is the one that Aron Ralston was pinned under a boulder and had to cut his arm off.  Here is another post that I found that talks about the canyon.  I was definitely out of my comfort zone but I made it and was sore for days after.  It was nice to be out in nature, and the canyon was beautiful.  We had great timing with the light and the temperatures :D  Here is my FB album for pictures.

I'm still sticking with my work outs!  A few more days of Hip Hop Abs and then I'm taking my measurements to see the difference.  I had a little "break" with the camping trip but I worked out during that time so I thinking it's forgivable;)  I'm taking care of myself with my chiropractor, regular massage, and now I've added acupuncture and ordered some essential oils.  With the kit I ordered I get a website to help reach out to others.  Yes, it's like all the other stuff out there to sell :P  It's a local company here in Utah and I have other friends that use doTerra EOs and LOVE them!  I'm going to use the stuff and if I enjoy them I'll tell others and share the website with people.  Essential Oils have been around forever and with my desire to take care of myself without going straight to western medicine who's first response is to treat the symptoms and not find the underlying cause of the issues.....I am going for the holistic healthy route and essential oils is just one more tool in that box for me!  If you'd like to know more about essential oils here is my website that can give you more information.

Well, I'm still busy busy but I wanted to have a little post with updated :)  Next weekend I'm off to Nellis for training with the Utah CERFP.  Fun times.... I get to sleep in a tent again ;)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...