Sunday, May 26, 2013

Having a struggle...

Not sure what it is...the change of season/temperature, influx of allergy crud in the air, me getting my self in order with acupuncture, over stressed at work... who knows, it's like a perfect storm of stress crap and thus it's an open door for my depression :(  It's been a hard couple of weeks.
In saying that I've done better than usually during this type of time in working out, I believe that has kept me from going off the deep end!  At a minimum I've done my work outs in the mornings prior to work, just the 30 minutes on the treadmill.  This weekend, I've forced myself to work out and it's helped pull me out of my "funk".  My allergies have really kicked in and usually that will bring me down too, making me feel lethargic and tired.  Fortunately, in the latest doTerra magazine it talked about allergies.  It mentioned in a capsule put in a few drops of lavender, peppermint, and lemon.  I've done it the past two days and it WORKS!  Amazing!
Today I did Cardio Extreme of HHAs and it totally kicked my butt but I stuck with it!  I need all those work endorphins I can get at this time.
Depression sucks!  It sucks the life from you, makes you self conscious, withdrawn, paranoid, tired, bitchy....need I go on?  :( ugh It's a perfect storm of crap!  You need to work out, eat well, and be active to keep the depression at bay but once it starts it's the quick sand of blue sludge because you don't want to and don't have the energy to exercise, eat healthy, and be active.
I'm doing better, obviously since I'm blogging ;)  Too bad it's in the middle of a long other words I feel like I've wasted have of this long weekend in my funk :( and there is so much to do!  
As I sit here, Shane and I are planning an August vacation to an island :D  Beach, white sands, tropical drinks with umbrellas in them.... it will be lovely!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...