Friday, June 03, 2011

da job

Alright.  I've been with this new job 4 weeks now.  Been through a hell week and things have calmed down a little.  I still don't have enough hours in the day and every day something new comes up that I have no clue how to deal with.  It's a learning process and I'm doing the best I can. Yes, I stress and worry about things that I didn't do or that I did.  I'm doing the best that I can.
This past week was hard.  Even though it was a short week every day I would wake up and lay in bed for over an hour trying to mentally give myself a pep talk to make it to work.  I went to work, I made it, I didn't die, and no one else was harmed but it was a mental struggle.

Here's my advice for any managers out there:
-do not hire someone during the busiest time of the year, PLAN AHEAD...I have to!
-do not hire someone during said busy time of year, train them for a couple of weeks and have their trainer leave for a week
-do not expect great customer service when you
a)do weird things to get the job in the first place to service it and then act surprised or frustrated that it's  not working how it should
b)take on so many customers that your customer service rep does not have the time during a normal work day to do quality service and spends 90% of the time just trying to handle the paperwork that goes with said customers
-don't give your workers the stink eye when they work over time to give good customer service and you have to pay them for the overtime
-don't say you'll handle something only to give it to the new person who is still trying to get caught up with all the other orders that were allocated

these are just some pointers.... just saying.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...