Thursday, February 17, 2011

... from Love to Shamrocks :)

I made it! I made it through as one friend renamed it, Singles Appreciation Day, aka Valentine's Day :P  Not that I was worried about it but one can't go through this month without noticing the over abundance of hearts, red, pink, chocolate, and roses that are splayed everywhere! 

I've gone through a lot since Hawaii and I am better, way better mentally and emotionally that I have ever been.  I am enjoying this single time in my life.  I get to really take the time to figure out and enjoy who I am.

The day passed with some nice Valentines wishes, and that was it.  I did get a gift from my awesome Marcia.  I enjoyed hearing the stories of my coworkers, of their plans to celebrate the holiday with their husbands (yep I'm the only single one).  I was happy. 

I am happy :D

You know you are over past relationships when you can hear certain songs and even bands without quickly changing the radio station or if you can't, striking up a conversation as to distract yourself from the music.  I'm talking about those relationships that rip you in two, kick you while you are in the fetal position, and stomp on your chest for good measure.  I don't get those emotional flash backs anymore.  I may get a gut check but it passes on the breeze, and I'm moving on.  I can hear these trigger songs and think back fondly on the past relationships.  I don't get all melancholy trying to figure out what went wrong... I just smile and then go on with my day.  Whatever it was was obviously not met to be and I'm fine with that.

My time will come and it will be awesome!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...