Thursday, February 03, 2011

Random apartment stuff

I've been in my new digs for a total of 4 nights and here's what we got:
I know how to break into my apartment.  Yep, I got the whole locking one self out while doing laundry out of the way.  Not doing that again.
Keeping true to my form, walked to the store... weird people talked to me.  But I love all the diversity while I'm out and about.
When the broiler is out, the heat goes bye bye.
Whenever I turn the water on I have to let it run for a minute to let the rust flow threw... I'm thinking that is what it is :P 
Lovin' the historic buildings!
I'm trying a Thai restaurant tomorrow night that is walking distance away :D
L&L is right around the corner.  I had some Loco Moco for dinner the other night, felt guilty and ugh due to the unhealthiness of the meal BUT it was so Hawaiian :P
Even though I'm WAY closer to work, it seems to give me an excuse to hit snooze just one more time :P
I may not have furniture but it's still comfortable here for me :) and Ikea has some cheap furniture that I have my eye on :) but with February being so dang busy I may not be able to get there until March! Oh well... that gives me more money to spend by the time I go shopping! 

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...