Friday, May 07, 2010

AH HA moment of the day

Today was group presentation day in my psychology class, Personal Relationships.  I'm not one for group presentations but we came together nicely.  Our topic was break ups.  If I didn't have to have 5 references for the paper I could have just written about my own history, I got plenty of stories.  But anyhoo, one person discussed stalking.
Up until this point this was just something on the t.v., in movies, heard stories about, and sometimes discussed in class.  I never thought that I was a victim of it.  WELL, due to the presentation I realized I have been a victim of stalking! What the hell?!  And, better yet, the universe couldn't have given me this message at a better time.  Why? cuz I've been starting to mentally ferment on some past stuff, past relationships, and asking the dumb questions of "why" things have played out they way they have with this one past relationship.  It's stupid to ask these questions (I know this) or even entertain the thoughts. Bottom line is it wasn't ment to be.  AND now I know, he was a freakn' stalker.  Not a kill your bunny rabbit, or try to kill you stalker but he was the subdued annoying type of stalker.  I won't go into detail but standing up in front of class, listening to my classmate define the different types of stalking I had to stop from laughing out loud. I couldn't have drawn a better picture of this individual.  Granted I doubt he would classify his actions as stalking, do they ever?
Regardless, it's in the past and due to that one presentation I have an even better picture of the disfunction of that past relationship :)  Thanks classmate for doing that presentation on stalking!

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