Monday, March 15, 2010

My Bed

Blankets thick
Pillows many
I live Hawaii
The need is none

Blankets comfort me
Pillows engulf me
Hug me
Save me

"What's with all these damn blankets?"
You ask
Trying to get
to me

I smile
"they comfort me"

Throughout my years
my lovers
my moves
my travels

My blankets thick
My pillows many
Have been my constant

When I have been left
When I have left
My blankets hold me
Comforting and soothing

They hold my dreams
my tears
my joys
my insecurities

So I will always
have blankets
and thick

If you can
navigate your way
to me
and be that constant...

Then maybe,
I'll get rid of one ;)

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