Sunday, March 21, 2010

Aloha Utah

I went from palm trees to 30-degree weather to where I can see my breath! My flights were painless. Leaving Honolulu was a quick job. Got dropped off, said my good-bye’s did the agriculture check and then hung out in line to check in my bags. By the time that was taken care of and I walked to the gate they were already boarding! Finished one book on the plane, and started a second equally good book (both for my classes). I had a 2hr wait in Seattle, which gave me time to get some unhealthy food. On my first flight I had a nice healthy vegetarian snack pack, so I balanced it out with a hamburger and chilly cheese fries :D Then I was off to Utah. The pilot did a nice fly by Mt. Ranier so that was cool, got some good pics. Everything about my travels went smoothly I got to the rent a car place and picked up my Prius. They guy hands me the “keys” and I was like…. “um, is there a key?” Apparently not. He gave me a quick run down on turning the car on, apparently it wasn’t enough info, because I swear it took me about 10 minutes to figure out that damn car. Thank goodness there was the manual in the glove box! I figured out how to drive the car and I was off, in the darkness, in a weird car.
When I moved away from Utah there was highway construction, when I visited awhile back… construction, and now there is STILL highway construction! Really?!
It was late at night so I couldn’t really see all the changes but I did take notice of the all the billboards. Yes, that’s a weird thing to notice but there are no billboards in Hawaii. Driving to my friends’ house, I got a little overwhelmed with emotions about being back. There are a lot of memories here. Good and bad…
Pulled up to a warm greeting from Amanda and her furry family members. She has a great dane and its hip comes up past my hip! Actually she has 2 dogs, 3 cats (one is usually in hiding) and some fish. We did a quick catch up, bit it was late and everyone else in the house was asleep so we called it a night ourselves. It was only around 8 pm in Hawaii. By the time I get adjusted to the time difference, I’ll be flying back :P
All I can say is that it is a good thing to show up somewhere after a year or so and feel like you were just there and that you just saw your friends, like you haven’t missed a beat! that’s a sign of a good friendship to me! I am a lucky girl!
*I'll post pics when I get back home to Hawaii :D

1 comment:

Jeson Devid said...

I feel really nice reading these articles I mean there are writers that can write good material. Aloha Construction

Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...