Sunday, March 14, 2010

one more week.... then spring break :D

It's been a busy few days, but that is always a good thing. My cousin Greg came out for his spring break and he spent the majority of time with Mom and Dad. He went out and about and then on Thursday I went with him and Mom on a snorkeling trip. It was fun and nice. I took some pics underwater but I'm not sure when I'll get them posted. I think I got a few good up close pics of a sea turtle... but we shall see.

Thursday night Greg and I hung out in Waikiki. Had dinner and then drinks while listening to good music. I think we made it back home around 2:30 :P
On Friday while I was at class Greg did a little site seeing and then I drove him the long way home around the island. We stopped at the Pali lookout and took a few pics. It was a WINDY day! That night I had to write a 4 pg book report that I, of course, waited till the last minute. I almost lost it after I did all the work! About had a heart attack. Saturday was a lazy, no school work day.... Did taxes, hung out with J, and had dinner with another couple. It was nice and relaxing but a long day of driving around the island... again :( Sunday=school work day :P But in 5 days I'll be relaxing in good ol' Utah! Catching up with friends and trying to make a decision on whether I'm going to move there or not. Guess I'll go mediate on a mountain or something LOL!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...