Sunday, October 25, 2009

6 more classes!!!!!!

Well I looked at the classes being offered for the winter and spring semester. Looks like I'm going to try and take the following classes:
Women/Minorities/and Injustices
Social Stats
Medical Anthropology
Culture, Religion, and Environment
Personal Relationships

There is another class that isn't a requirement but after talking with Crysti, this class hasn't been offered in about a year!!! She said to talk to Jill (counselor) and she can do a petition. I don't want to be kept from graduation in May due to a class that they haven't offered in forever! I'll get that figured out before registration on the 30th.

My classes are going well, but like usual I'm getting burnt out with all the reading and writing... basically all the school work :P Next month is going to be HECTIC. Along with school work, I've volunteered to help with Girl Fest due to one of my classes. There are also more field trips that I need to go on. Just looking at my calender makes my eye cross :P

It's raining pretty good right now... makes for extreme laziness but at least it's cool. This past Friday night I met up with the girls for drinks and pupu's then moved to the beach for more drinking and lots of good conversation. It was great and needed. Looks like a group of us is going to get a place in town for Halloween and partake in some craziness. I need to find a costume ASAP! I'll see what Mom has on hand and go from there I suppose. I need to save all the money that I can.

I spent the day doing research for my debate on Friday and a paper that is due on Tuesday.
For the debate I have to argue for the pro side that sexual orientation conversion therapy is ethical. I don't agree with this but I have to argue it, makes for a good learning experience right? There are four of us to a debate team so we are attacking this in at least 3 different ways. 1) the patients right to choose their therapy and what they want to get from their therapy 2)sexuality is being seen as more fluid, thus to some sexuality it a choice, so one should be able to choose what treatment they want to pursue for their happiness 3) they are sexual deviants, and other sexual deviants are given therapy so they can function in society. I know the last argument is somewhat a stretch but the definition of deviant is to deviate from the norm, one can safely say that homosexuals are not the norm in our society, they don't even have equal rights... Another stretch is that if one believes that homosexuality is due to a biological makeup, and are incapable of becoming heterosexuals-they could be compared to addicts that can not resist temptations. Sex addicts, up until recently these people were classified as gigolos/sluts/etc. now it's a medical condition and they are given therapy and medications to help them feel and act "normal". If homosexuality is learned due to idiosyncratic sexual experiences, then it is a sexual preference that can be maintained and be a behavioral choice... thus it can be changed.
K... I KNOW this is a stretch AND I personally don't believe sexual conversion therapy is ethical, but therapy to help a person become more secure in themselves and build self esteem is good. BUT I have to argue "pro" for this! UGH

My paper research isn't as interesting so I'm not going to get into it ;)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...