Wednesday, September 09, 2009

2 more classes today

Well, my other class yesterday is going to be good also. Not only do we get field trips but there are no quizzes or test in that class! So, it's going to be a good class. I talked to another student in the class cuz she went to Kenya for two weeks to work in an orphanage!!!! I'm going to get that website that she went threw to check it out. I have two classes today and it's my LONG day with a night class :( At least I get a late start and my first class doesn't start till 11:50 :)
Had another therapy session yesterday and it went good. I'm reprogramming my thought patterns from past scars and redoing my belief system. I've been wearing my stones and I do feel better and we talked about that a little. She said that sensitive people are open to their healing powers. No, I'm not sensitive in the boohoo sense but sensitive to all that's around, the vibes, etc. I'm going with it. Also, my male/female is out of whack. Which I've heard before and it didn't surprise me when she said it. My male side is strong, my survival skills are strong but the female side of me... a wee bit more subdued LOL So I'm working on embracing that sexuality in me. I am a goddess in my own right and I should embrace that and be grateful for what I have :)
Well I need to eat and get ready for school.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...