Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Chip on shoulder

I have two hours between classes today. My first class, Social Movement and Collective Behavior, looks to be interesting/challenging/and thought provoking :) As of right now there is only 6 students, the teacher said there should be 10. I would think by the time one gets to upper division classes there would be not so much of an hesitation to speak out. I guess I'm wrong. I don't care anymore and I pause long enough to see if someone is going to say something then I just go for it, and I don't care if I'm wrong or sound stupid. SOMEONE has to say something. Our teacher today requested that when were ready to get up, say your name, and give permission to the class and teacher to challenge you and to be open for something great (in other words an 'ah ha' moment). All but one got up. The teacher spent the whole class going over being open minded. This class is about social movements and change.
O.k., so this person decided to make the statement that "I don't give in to conformity or peer pressure of everyone doing it so I have to BS". But that statement, which we could reword for our comfort, is a statement of being open to new ideas, to be questioned and to question the class and even the teacher. WTF? AND our final is a group project :( and with the low number in the class the whole class is going to work on a project together. This should be very interesting....
I decided that even though I have an archaic laptop that is heavy by current laptop standards I'm going to lug this baby to school everyday. WHY? cuz of all the other student's cooties :P I just thought of that while sitting here in the library with the sneezes, the sniffles, and who knows what else. I really don't want to touch more public stuff than need be, i.e. the public computers! ewwww
Next class is Making a Difference. Hopefully I'll luck out with a good teacher there too:)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...