Thursday, August 20, 2015

Busy Judged Bee!

Next month, this time we will be in Florida!  WOW!  This month has flown by with my trips up the east coast and more trips to squeeze in prior to moving!  Craziness.... 
Baltimore with Natalie was fun!  I had some firsts: raw oysters, cigar, and hookah!  We had a random night downtown where we just did and went where the night took us!  That's the way to experience randomness of a city :D
on the water taxi with downtown behind us

at our raw oyster place of the night! delish!

To add to the business of moving, Joe will be going to PA this friday to pick up his motorcycle...which will be more comfortable for me to ride compared to his current one! Sunday we turn around and drive to Panama City.  I have a job interview (high five) and we will check out apartments before heading back home where we promptly turn around and head out for our already planned visit of the NC mountains!  

I may have two interviews on Monday in FL, I need to call this lady back.... ugh  This second job isn't what I want to do but I do want a job and it's in my social worker realm.  It will be good interview experience for me even if I don't get or take the job.   I've been in NC and in this area for about 4 months, I've gotten NO bites on anything :(  but I'm not even in FL and I have two interviews.  There is a reason for everything!  Additionally, a Chief Joe knows has a daughter in the same field working in that area and I'm going to forward my resume her way and she's going to check out some areas for me!  WOW  Things like that remind me of how the military use to be back when I first joined in, more family and support!

It's amazing how half of the day can be negative and draining and then things can quickly turn around.  Yesterday evening is when the Chief connect happened.  Earlier that day I was judged while in Lowe's.  :(

I am not anti religion, I am anti organized religion especially if you are going to use your religion to tell me how I'm suppose to live my life!  I'm in Lowe's looking for something specific and an older gentlemen, who works there, strikes up a conversation with me and I ask him for assistance.  I was feeling good, just got my retired I.D. card!  Well, the  normal course of conversation he asked if I had any kids and I told him no, but I do have furkids ;) Next thing I know I'm being told that it's "god's will" that I have children to populate the earth. To which I pointed out that many others are populating the earth just fine and by me not having children will  not cause any imbalances.  He then said that "it's to impart wisdom" which I can do without birthing a child, I can help those in need through my work and my good deeds. Then he talked about when I'm older, having kids will ensure I'm taking care of.... first off that is NOT a guarantee and if I'm having children as a retirement policy that is the wrong reason to do that.   Then it was that god wants me to pass down my specific genetic code.  Ummm  I have not read the bible cover to cover but I do not think that god mentions genetic code anywhere in the writings.  :P  I went into Lowe's for an electrical outlet plate and I get questioned by a random man on MY life choices!  Do guys have these conversations? Would a male worker in Lowe's ask a male customer if he has kids and if not, well.... that's YOUR job to pass down your specific genetic code.  I need to work on my responses, after the initial question of "do you have kids"...if it progresses, I'm going to start questioning them.  
Do you ask all your customers about why or why not they have kids?
Do you tell them WHY they should have kids via "god's word"?
I don't know you, so I feel no need to discuss my personal life with a random man so thank you for your assistance.

I was polite and didn't question his belief system, just responded to his reasons as to why I didn't feel the need to procreate.  I was respectful of his views and didn't condensed him, although he looked at me as if I was a silly "lost" girl, a female who had lost her way.... a female who had grown horns as soon as I said I am not having children.  If I said I couldn't have children as compared to a I am choosing not to, his reaction would have been COMPLETELY different.   

I left Lowe's without a wall plate AND feeling irritated and pissed.  Got home and ordered the wall plate off of Amazon, no judgement there!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...