Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Grey area vs Retirement

I've been in NC for a month and I'm not going crazy even with all of my "down time".  I am actually enjoying figuring out dinners and flexing my cooking muscles.  I am able to find the little things amusing about the area, Joe helps with that.  When I was talking with the vet about Sami's ultrasound, she asked me if I needed to talk with my "husband" before making an appointment.  I had to chuckle at that and explained that I would go ahead and schedule the appointment.  I guess it's the norm that the woman has to talk things over with "the man" before making major financial decisions :P  Sami's test came back good but with some slight elevations so she's on some meds for a wee bit. Hopefully it won't be forever.  Sami girl will be 11 in Aug, she's an old lady.  They are living the good life!
As for my pet boarding hunt...I found some places but due to the limited selection around here, during the holidays these places are booked two months out! OMG!  Ugh... so I'm not sure what Joe and I will be doing over the 4th, he was going to talk with some folks and we will see.  

The other day weekend Joe and I checked out Wake Forest for a car show.  It was in the old historic downtown.  We both expected a small little thing but it was big!  That area was pretty and the downtown was cute.  After walking around looking at all the cars we had some good seafood at Backfins Crabhouse.  It was a beautiful day!
Our weekends are so short :(  We've gone on some rides around the country.  It's peaceful being out in the open air.  We went riding with Chris one Sunday and then grilled out.  When we go over to Chris's house we usually take Sami, his daughter likes her, and I feel bad for leaving Sami alone if I don't have to.  Plus we always hang out outside so it's a good time for her.
This past week I did a little venturing on my own.  Checked out Wilmington NC and then one of the aquariums here in the state.  I really liked that city and Joe and I will probably go back.  It's right on river, a lot of cute shops, and fun restaurants.  Plus all the historic buildings and mansions were beautiful.  
on the river walk of Wilmington

looking across the river to the USS North Carolina

this a bed and breakfast!  

love all the random history and beauty of this area

I'm enjoying my free time but I'm getting ready to get back into the workforce, but there is a "wait and see" thing that is going on right now.  Hopefully we will hear something soon and it will help to give me a focus on what is next for Joe and I.  I am going to visit a friend up in Boston here next month. I should take advantage of this free time I have right  now and it's great that Joe is supportive of when I get an itch to visit a friend on the east coast or checking out a nearby city.  

I'm amazed every day at how different my relationship with Joe is... we are both completely all in.  We are truly together and invested in each other's happiness as individuals and as a couple.  Joe sent me this quote awhile ago and it's been sitting on my desktop.  It's so true and it's great to be able to be all in... I'd rather have the wild, fearless, passion of life and the heartache that could come than just existing.  Life is about living it to the fullest and taking those chances and risks!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...