Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Hello 2014

     2014 came in calmly for me, actually it came it while I was sleeping.  For Christmas we flew home to MO and OK to spend time with family which is always good.  Our flight out of Kansas City left at 0600 and we were staying about an hour away, our alarm went off at 0345 so that was a long day.  We took a short nap at home so by the time 1000 rolled around I was out!  I got a few Happy New Year text but I didn't even hear them, I was so out!  It's nice to see everyone's pictures from New Year's parties and sometimes I feel a twinge of envy for those gatherings but then... by the time I got home I was just burnt out with people so it was fine that we laid low :)
     This last year has been full of changes and it has been good.  I ended my active duty orders (much sadness to my bank account), started my MSW, started an internship,  and we GOT ENGAGED!  So like I've been doing these past few years I look back into the blog archives and found my 2013 goals of the year... let's see.  They were:
     -apply to MSW programs     DONE :)
     -take more vacations             not to the point I wanted but we did go to Lake Tahoe and the holiday visit to MO and OK
     -work out more often            I sort of did this :P  I have been doing better but lately have not so I need to start that back up again 
     -eat healthier                          this isn't consistant but I am pretty aware and try not to overdo it with unhealthy stuff.  I have gotten into essential oils and I'm enjoying that addition to my healthy goals
New for 2014
     -I'm carrying over: take more vacations (get out more even locally), work out more often, eat healthier
     -stay on top of things: school work, paperwork, house stuff
     -not only eat healthier but maintain my mental health also
     -do a better job in keeping in touch with people!
     -stay local in shopping and eating
     -get more involved in the community (actually I don't know when I'll have time for this but who knows ;)

I think that's a good list!  I got my first semester grades back and I starting off with a 3.950 GPA :)  All A's except for 1 A-! Go me :)  Classes start back on Tuesday and I'm back to work on Monday. ugh 

Shane is going to be working nights so he's getting on that schedule.  We get back from vacation with a few days for us and he's getting on a night schedule :( Yeah military life but he will be retiring this year, that's the plan, and then we will move to the city.  Down sizing will be interesting.  He's been in this house for, I think 8 years, so we need to down size a lot!  The plan is to move to the city for my last  year of school and hopefully after I graduate we could be moving somewhere else :)  So 2014 is going to be full of changes also but change is good, it keeps us on our toes!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...