Saturday, June 15, 2013

Feeling Good

As I sit here drinking my Shakeology and catching up on the latest FB gossip, it hit me...
I feel good and I'm enjoying my life!  I've had a rough few weeks.  A couple of weekends ago was drill... and well, that's always stressful and full of LONG days. Then this past weekend I was sick all weekend :( Ugh.  This weekend started off rough, Friday I was just irritated and angry for whatever reason.  Even though I was irritated I worked out, I did some cleaning (not all of what I wanted) and just didn't give up on the day.  I seriously wanted to crawl back into bed but didn't!  Today I woke up, did the animal chores, worked out and now this afternoon I'm off to see Jersey Boys with Marcia :)  It will be a good day!
I'm really liking my EOs.  When I was sick, the timing was perfect.  I had an doctor appointment on that Thursday when I started feeling sick.  He hooked me up with some vitamins and herbs to help me out.  With those and using my EOs I was feeling close to normal in about 5 days.  Last time I came down with this sort of head cold it lasted a month before I was able to get some antibiotics to clear it up.
I've been working out about an hour each day so that's been helpful too! I just need to keep up the motivation and stick with it!
To top it all off.... it's SUMMERTIME!  I'm happy for the nice weather.  Sami has been enjoying the nice weather also.  Tux has been full of it and go through stages of attacking me.  I bought him a toy yesterday and I've tried to play with him off and on since then and so far no attacks!
Well, I need to get ready for the play!  I'm taking the front runner down, go mass transit!  It adds some time to my trip and my day but I'm not driving or battling for a parking spot :D

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Life is work!

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