Saturday, March 09, 2013

Let's Get Physical!

So, here's the deal.  I wake up for work at or before 4 am, I am due at work at 6 and it's about a 40-45 min drive.  Breakfast in the morning usually doesn't happen due to I really don't wake up till I'm already at work ;) I've been getting the slimfast, ensure, etc. to have in the morning so there is at least SOMETHING in my tummy besides coffee.  I've been looking for something more substantial, not just a factory fed breakfast shake and at the health stores the focus is protein shakes for the hard core folks which isn't the same as a meal replacement type shake.  I've been eyeing the Shakeology.  I have a military friend from when I was stationed in Turkey that is a coach and has posted about it, I've researched it, and read about it.  I've given so much thought into due based on the automatic ordering (which I don't care what it is I'm not a fan...thank you Proactive for that feeling :P.  It sounded and seemed like a good deal.  It has a good list of nutrients also... per a website that isn't endorsed by Shakeology: 



Shakeology stands above the crowd when it comes to nutrients. Holy cow this shake is just jam-packed with essential vitamins and minerals, placing it well over 50% of your RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) per serving. 140 Calories isn’t bad either and on top of that they’ve thrown in ton of non-essential health nutrients like Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, all sorts of fibers and other “holistic” nutrients to keep you feeling good. One shake and we had enough energy to keep us going throughout our day, that’s for sure!
This website also marked down Shakeology due to price/value which I get is at first daunting but with it's hunger blockers and all the other nutrients that most people buy supplements for... I feel like it balances out.  
I decided to go for it.  I ordered it prior to leaving for Alabama.  I got the alternating pack, strawberry and chocolate.  I didn't want to be stuck with one flavor all month! ugh BORING  Initially it's not the best, you are drinking your food but it wasn't terrible and I'm learning what works and what doesn't.  It also comes with recipe ideas so you can mix it up daily if you choose too!  After 8 mornings of drinking it, it's not bad and the benefits......
I got back from Alabama on Thursday night and I starting Shakeology on Friday morning, granted I'm still kicking a bacterial head cold that I've had for a MONTH!  Friday I saw a doc and got some antibiotics so that helped immensely!  Saturday and Sunday I had my military drill weekend :( These weekends are usually crazy and coffee is a must.  I drank my shakes on the way to work and you know what...hello energy and alertness!  No need for coffee, didn't miss it physically! WhoHoo!  It does keep you full and I see myself eating less at lunch and dinner due to feeling full quicker :)  So I say good investment.
Now I've slacked on the work outs :(  On Monday morning I did go and walk/jog a mile 1/2.... and that was it! Work was CRAZY and I was exhausted.  But Friday morning I did my Shakeology30 dvd, woke up sore today but did my cardio yoga and then a good walk with Sami!  Feeling good... just need to keep this going!
It also helps that Spring is forcing it's way back :D WhooHoo to that :D  I can't wait for warmer weather!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...