Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hard Charging into 2013

After a nice little holiday break, it was back full force into work!  We didn't do anything special for New Year's, we were lazy and I was tired from work.  
We had our drill weekend so we had a lot of prep work for that.  We had an exercise on Saturday up at the VA Hospital with some of the civilian agencies.  Have I mentioned it's been COLD!  It was 7 degrees at one point of the exercise and yes... we were outside the whole time :(  I had many layers on, but my fingers and nose was hurting.  I got home and took a hot bath, then a hot shower and went to bed.  Being outside in the  elements all day really wears you out.  Sunday was not so stressful and we were not outside all day but it was long and busy.  Then right around on Monday back at work.  A majority of our full timers were working on an air load plan.  So it was busy busy this whole last week also.  No rest for the wicked ;)  I would NOT want to be the one backing up those trucks and trailers onto the plan!
That finished up mostly on Wednesday and so Thursday we had a much deserved half day :)  Which worked out perfectly because we had a winter storm hit about 3 that afternoon and I would of had a terrible commute!
So Friday, while it snowed and snowed, I caught up on laundry and did some cleaning!  Fun times I know.  I also managed to get Sami to the groomers so it was a productive day.  Shane tried to take advantage of the free military ski day up at Powder Mountain but it was like 2 hours to get from the mouth of the canyon to the resort... which is ridiculous.  He tried and looking at the road conditions and the visibility from the resort cams he came home and had a lazy day.
Saturday bring us some sun and more snow on the ground.  Sami loves going out and hoping threw the snow!  I can't help but smile at her obvious enjoyment, even though I'm freezing!
I'm ready for the sun shine and some warmth!

Anyhoo with a new year brings new and updates on resolutions.  So here we go....

Again, I'll be continuing a lot of these into 2013.

Be More Earth Friendly I can always improve on this.  I do try to more local goods than not, and I pay attention to what I am buying and where it comes from.  This is hard and it's a major commitment and it will be a resolution until I die I think :P
Stay focus on my goals 
Goals for 2012 were: continue with my MPH, take a kick ass vacation, and work out more often. 

-so the whole MPH thing went to the way side due to program accreditation :( BUT I applied to MSW programs at USC and UofU.  I'm waiting to hear back from the U but was accepted to USC.  I'll know for sure if I'm going to be  a Trojan or a Ute by May! 
-no real vacations were taken :(  we did go back to MO and OK for Thanksgiving and we brought Sami home with us. that was nice
-work out more often.  hmmm this was hit or miss.  i did really good leading up to my fitness test in October but since then, nada.  So on Monday it's back to the grind of working out.

What else can I add to this....
Eat healthier we get lazy with our jobs, and we are tired by the end of the day.  I've already started working on this but on the weekend prior to grocery shopping I make a menu for the week, so I'm buying specific items for planned meals and not a lot of junk.  This is also helpful with $ and less waste!
Also, eat less meat.  Cut down on meat meals, and when I do buy meat but the good stuff (antibiobic free etc.)

I think that's good :P  If I have too many I won't keep track of them!

On a sad note.  After Mom and Dad got home, they had to put Guiselle down.  They think she had a stroke or something, one morning she was out of it, didn't respond to Mom and Dad and had lost control of her bladder.  She's chasing geckos and squirrels in heaven till we make it up there!  She is a great dog and brought a lot of smiles, and love to the family.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...